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*Mitch and Hudson go the movies together! Send suggestions I need some! I hope you guys enjoy! • Love Bree ❤️

Mitch and Hudson are going out together! Mitch is going to take Hudson to the movies. Hudson is putting his shoes on and Scott walks over with Amelia.

"Huddy, have fun with Daddy, okay? Where are you guys going?" Scott says and Hudson nods. "We are going to the movies!" Hudson says and Scott smiles.

"Ooo, what movie are you and Daddy are going to see?" Scott asks as he rubs Amelia's back. "The Secret Life Of Pets!" Hudson says as he sits on the couch.

"That looks like a cute movie!" Scott says as he sets Amelia in her playpen to nap. Mitch finishes getting ready and walks down the steps. Mitch walks over and smiles at Hudson and Scott.

Scott and Hudson are playing a game. "I won!" Hudson says and Scott tickles Hudson.

"Daddy!" Hudson says as he hugs Mitch. "Hey little man! Are you ready to go?" Mitch asks and Hudson nods.

"Did you clean your toys up?" Scott asks and Hudson nods no. "Go clean your toys up, and then we can go." Mitch says as he kisses Scott twice.

Hudson runs to the playroom and begins to clean up all of the toys he played with. Hudson runs back over to Mitch and Scott.

"Everything is cleaned up!" Hudson says and Mitch smiles. "Good boy! Let's go, before we hit any traffic." Mitch says and Hudson hugs and kisses Scott.

"Have fun at the movies! I love you guys!" Scott says and Mitch smiles. "I love you too!" Mitch says as he puts his coat on.

"I love you too, Papa!" Hudson says with a smile. Mitch and Scott kiss again and Mitch and Hudson head out.

Mitch and Hudson arrive at the movie theater ten minutes later. Mitch walks over to the kiosk and purchases two tickets. "What would you like to snack on?" Mitch asks Hudson.

"A pretzel, cookie dough and a blue ICEE please." Hudson says and Mitch smiles. "Okay baby boy." Mitch says as he plays with Hudson's hair.

Mitch also gets a lemonade, snickers and nachos for myself. "Let's go, baby boy. We need to go to theater number five." Mitch says as he walks with Hudson.

Hudson opens the door for Mitch and they walk into the movie theater. "Let go near the top, so we can see the screen better." Mitch says and Hudson nods.

Mitch and Hudson walk up to their seats. "These seats recline! Isn't that cool?" Mitch asks. "Yeah! These seats are more comfy then the other movie theater!" Hudson says as he sits down.

Hudson drinks his ICEE and puts it in the slot in his chair. "Here, you can have some of this cheese for your pretzel." Mitch says as he puts the cheese next to Hudson.

"Daddy, there's too much salt on this." Hudson says and Mitch begins to wipe the salt off. "There you go, bud. Some people like a lot of salt on there pretzels." Mitch says and Hudson begins to dip his pretzel in the cheese.

Hudson and Mitch begin to get settled and begin to eat some of their food. "That movie looks cool, Daddy!" Hudson says as he talks about the movie Moana.

"It does! We should all go see it when it comes out." Mitch says as he takes a sip of his lemonade. "Yeah, Sophia and Issy would like it!" Hudson says and Mitch giggles.

"We have to whisper, remember?" Mitch says in a whisper and Hudson giggles. "Daddy, can we cuddle?" Hudson asks and Mitch nods.

Mitch moves his arm rest up and wraps his arm around Hudson. Hudson lays his head on Mitch's chest. "Don't fall asleep." Mitch says as he giggles.

"I won't, Daddy, I just wanted to cuddle with you." Hudson says and Mitch smiles as he kisses Hudson's forehead.

Hudson and Mitch watch the movie together. Hudson and Mitch shared their snacks and cuddled during the whole movie.

After the movie, Hudson and Mitch walk around the mall. "That was a cool movie, Daddy!" Hudson says and Mitch nods.

"I know, I enjoyed it!" Mitch says as he kisses Hudson's cheek. "Daddy! Look it's you!" Hudson says a he points to the picture.

"Aw, it is me! That's an old picture of me and Papa." Mitch says and Hudson giggles. Mitch takes a picture of the picture and sends it to Scott.

"Daddy, I'm having a lot of fun with you!" Hudson says and Mitch smiles brightly. "I am too! Let's go get some ice cream!" Mitch says and Hudson face lights up.

"Yay!" Hudson says as he holds Mitch's hand. Mitch and Hudson walk to the car and head to the ice cream cottage!

Mitch and Hudson make it to the ice cream cottage. This ice cream cottage was a place that Mitch and Scott went a lot when they first moved to California. 

"What kind of ice cream do you wanna get, Huddy?" Mitch asks Hudson as he looks at all the ice creams.

"Cotton Candy!" Hudson says with a smile. "Yummy! I am going to get Rocky Road!" Mitch says as he orders the ice cream and pays for it.

Hudson and Mitch begin to eat their ice cream while they play checkers at the table.

"You know, Papa and I use to come here all the time when we first moved to California." Mitch says as he gets the checkers pieces together. "Really? That's so cool!" Hudson says as he moves his checker piece.

"Yeah, Papa and I used to come here after rehearsal. We used to eat Rocky Road ice cream together and Papa won all the checker games." Mitch says as he moves his checker piece and Hudson laughs with ice cream all over his face.

Hudson and Mitch play three checker games, Hudson wins two and Mitch wins one.

"I had so much fun with you today, Hudson." Mitch says as he carries Hudson. "I did too, Daddy! I love you so much!" Hudson says as he kisses Mitch's cheek.

"I love you too, baby boy. I won't be able to carry you like this much anymore. You are getting so tall." Mitch says as he sits Hudson into his car seat and kisses his forehead.

Hudson buckles himself in and Mitch gets into the driver's seat. Hudson and Mitch headed home after having a day of fun together! :)

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