accidental sex tape

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*An accident happens and a scomiche sex tape is made! Thank you for Thefeelz1234 for helping me write this and help with the smut! Send suggestions! Love • Bree! 🦊

It is bedtime at the Grassi-Hoying house! Only a few more school days left and then it is summer vacation! All the kids are anxious and excited for a fun filled summer! Scott and Mitch have a lot of plans for their family this summer!

All the kids are watching a movie and playing while Mitch and Scott relax on the couch.

"It is time to go to bed, kiddos! Turn everything off and put everything away, please." Mitch says to the kids.

"Do I really have to go to bed this soon, Daddy?" Hudson asks Mitch with a small frown.

"Yes, Huddy. All of you need to be in bed. Only a few more school days left and then it is summer break for three whole months! Then all of you can stay up a little later." Mitch says as the kids cheer happily.

Mitch walks into the kitchen to clean off the dishes so the dishes don't stay in the sink all night like they usually do.

"SUMMER! I love summertime!" Hudson says with a big grin.

"I can't freaking wait for summer. I am going to go to a bunch of parties and have a lot of fun." Liam says as he texts Willow goodnight.

"Parties? What do twelve year olds party about?" Scott asks Liam.

"Nothing wild, Papa. Just pool parties and hanging out." Liam says as he plays with his hair.

"I wanna go to the beach!" Sophia says with a cheeky grin.

"Me too! I love the beach and playing in the sand!" Isabella says with a big smile.

"We will go to the beach if you guys behave during this last week of school. Let's get our pajamas on!" Mitch says to the kids.

Liam, Hudson, Sophia and Isabella all run upstairs to get their pajamas on and brush their teeth.  

"Weeee!" Amelia says as she runs around half naked.

Amelia managed to get her shirt and pants off, luckily she kept her underwear on. Scott catches Amelia and tickles her stomach.

"I got you, Amelia! I got you!" Scott says as Amelia laughs loudly.

"I wanna go swimming!" Sawyer says, jumping up and down.

"We will once it is summer break, bud! Is it not summer break right now. It is bedtime right now." Mitch says, appearing from the kitchen and he dries his hands on his sweatpants from washing the dishes.

"Let's get you two monsters to bed." Mitch says, tickling Sawyer and kissing Amelia's cheek.

"Daddy! Wuv you!" Amelia says happily and kisses Mitch.

"What about me?" Scott says with a big frown.

"Wuv you too, Papa!" Amelia says with a grin, kissing Scott.

"I love you too, baby!" Scott says, kissing Amelia's cheek.

"I'm sleepy." Sawyer says as he rubs his eyes.

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