preschool graduation!

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*Sorry I haven't been posting in this book much! I just haven't had a lot of ideas and I write a lot of books! Isabella is graduating preschool! Send suggestions on what you wanna see! Love • Bree 🖤*

Mitch films himself and you can hear Amelia screaming in horror in the background. Mitch covers his eyes and grinds his teeth a little bit because he hates screaming children.

"Amelia is fine, please don't worry. She doesn't wanna get ready and dressed. She is giving Scott a huge fit right now. Terrible twos are freaking crazy, especially with Miss Amelia! Anyway, we are getting ready to go to Isabella's preschool graduation! Isabella, Avi and Kate's daughter Abigail and Jake and Alex's daughter Scarlett are all graduating together which is so cute! Let's see what the other kids are doing." Mitch says as he walks into the living room.

Mitch films Sophia who is coloring in her Shopkins coloring book. Sophia's hair is in a high bun. Sophia looks up at Mitch and waves at the camera.

"Hi, Daddy and camera!" Sophia says with a smile, showing that one of her front teeth are missing.

"Hi, beautiful! I love your hair! Did Papa put this cute bun in your hair?" Mitch asks Sophia as he plays with her light brown hair.

"Uh huh! Papa does my hair the best! He's a hair expert! Papa wanted to put Amelia's hair in a cute pony tail but Amelia didn't want to." Sophia says to Mitch.

"Oh, that's probably why Amelia is crying and is giving Papa a big fit. And Papa is the hair expert thanks to Auntie Lindsay and Auntie Lauren. Hey Isabella! Come here! Come here, Issy!" Mitch says as Isabella runs over to him.

Isabella's dark brown hair is curled on the ends and has a big pink bow in it.

"Hi, camera! Hi, Daddy!" Isabella says as she waves at the camera.

"Hi, Issy! Are you excited to graduate preschool school today?" Mitch asks Isabella as he bends down next to Isabella and vlogs her.

Isabella hugs Mitch and lays her head on Mitch's shoulder.

"Yeah! I'm excited! Scarlett and Abigail are graduating too!" Isabella says, jumping up and down in excitement.

"That's right! Scarlett and Abigail are also graduating with you! And everybody that's in your class, Mrs. Conway's, Ms. Layton's and Mrs. Christian's class are too! All of you will go into kindergarten in August!" Mitch says as Isabella makes a silly face.

"So I'll be in the big kid school next time?" Isabella asks Mitch.

"Yes, you will go to the same school as Huddy and Soph next school year! That's right! Hudson will be in fourth grade, Sophia will be in second grade and you will be in kindergarten!" Mitch says as Isabella gasps in excitement.

"That's so cool!" Isabella says as Mitch hugs her and kisses her cheek.

"I love you and I'm so proud of you Issy!" Mitch says to Isabella.

"I love you too, Daddy!" Isabella says with a cheeky grin.

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