hudson gets stung!

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*Hudson gets stung by a bee at school! Send suggestions on what you wanna see! I hope you enjoy! Love • Bree 💛

Hudson is outside for recess with the rest of the third graders and fourth graders. It is a beautiful Friday afternoon. Everybody is excited for the weekend to be here! The high temperature is eighty degrees and there is a slight breeze in the air.

The school day is halfway over and Hudson is happy it is Friday. He can't wait to spend the weekend playing Pokémon and playing outside. Hudson and Addison are playing kickball with the rest of the third graders on the kickball field.

Hudson and Addison's team are currently pitching the ball while the other team is kicking. Addison is pitching the ball and Hudson is near first base. Hudson and Addison's team is currently winning.

"Come on, Graysen! Kick the ball far so we can get a point! We are losing!" Brecken says from behind the fence.

"I'm trying, Brecken! I suck at kickball! You know that!" Graysen says as Addison pitches the ball.

Graysen kicks the ball and Hudson gets it.

"Your out!" Hudson says, throwing the ball to Jimmy, who is controlled of first base.

"Out!" Jimmy says as he throws the ball back to Addison.

"You freaking suck, Graysen!" Brecken says as he gives a thumbs down.

"You suck too! Hints why our team has zero points!" Graysen says back, causing the girls to oooo.

The game continues on, Hudson and Addison's team continue to win. The score is 5-1.

A bee flies over, causing the game to halt.

"Oh my gosh! There was a bee! I hate bees!" Paige says as she runs away.

"Don't move! If you don't move the bee won't hurt you!" Dylan says.

"That's not true! I got stung and I was still as a statue!" Suzie says as she crosses her arms with sass.

The bee flies over to Hudson and stings his leg, causing him to scream loudly.

Everybody gasps as Hudson falls to the ground and begins to cry in pain.

"Oh my gosh! A bee stung Hudson!" Emma screams as she covers her eyes in horror.

Addison runs over to Hudson and sits right next to him.

"My leg is really itchy and so is my body!" Hudson says as he panics a little, knowing an allergic reaction is coming.

"Somebody go get Mrs. Abel! Hudson is allergic to bees!" Addison yells as Paige, Suzie and Emma fun to get Mrs. Abel.

"Do you have your Epipen on you?" Addison asks Hudson.

"Uh huh!" Hudson says as he pulls it out of his pocket.

"Can't you get hurt doing that?" Brecken asks Addison.

"Yeah! Can't the medicine make you pass out or something?" Graysen says.

"No, it has medicine to help Hudson breathe better. Not doing anything is bad! Can I give you the medicine?" Addison asks Hudson.

Hudson nods his head quickly as he tries to focus on his breathing. His face begins to get red and little dots are all over his arms and legs.

Addison begins to read the directions on the Epipen. Addison knows how to use an Epipen because his sister also uses one for her peanut allergy.

"Stay still, I am going to stick your leg, right here. Stay still." Addison says as he grabs the Epipen and opens it up.

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