texas trip 2

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*The Grassi-Hoyings are visiting the Grassis! I'm sorry updates have been slow! I have had a busy summer so far! I hope you guys enjoy! Love • Bree 💚

After spending a few days with the Hoying clan, Scott, Mitch and the kids are heading to see Mitch's family. However, Scott's family are going to come over on the weekend during the annual Grassi-Hoying cook out.

"We will see you guys this weekend during the big cookout!" Connie says as she hugs Scott and Mitch tightly. "Yes, we will! Nel and Mike miss you guys and can't wait for the weekend." Mitch says with a chuckle as Scott finishes up putting the suitcases in the trunk.

The kids hug and kiss Connie and Rick one by one. "I want all of you to be good for Daddy and Papa. I am so happy you guys came to visit!" Rick says with a smile.

"I had fun too, Grampy!" Hudson says as he smiles. "Me too! I loved swimming!" Isabella says. "I had a lot of fun! I love being in Texas." Liam says as he fixes his hair.

"All of you are growing up so fast, I can't believe it." Connie says as Amelia yawns. "They are growing like weeds!" Mitch says chuckling.

Connie kisses Amelia's cheek and smiles at Mitch. "I think Amelia is going to fall asleep soon." Connie says, rubbing Amelia back.

"She will probably take a nap during the car ride to my parent's house." Mitch says as he picks up Amelia from Connie. Mitch then puts Amelia in her car seat. The kids get in their seats.

Scott and Mitch hug Connie and Rick again before getting into the car.

"Be safe traveling, boys!" Connie says to Mitch and Scott. "Mom, it's not even that far away." Scott says with a chuckle. "You never know, anything can happen!" Connie says.

Scott, Mitch and the kid wave at Connie and Rick before they leave!

"We are off to Mom Mom and Poppy's house!" Scott says as the kids cheer happily. Mitch smiles at Scott and holds his hand.

Scott drives the few minute drive to Nel and Mike's house!

Scott pulls up at the Grassi residence and smiles at Mitch. "Welcome home, babe." Scott says as he kisses Mitch.

"Thank you, I love being home. We are at Mom Mom and Poppy's house!" Mitch says and the kid's faces light up.

"Yay!" The kids say in unison in excitement to visit their other set of grandparents.

Liam, Hudson, Sophia, Isabella and Sawyer get out of their seats and they see Nel waiting for them at the front door. The kids see Nel and run over to her.

"Hi guys! I missed you all so so much!" Nel says hugging the kids one by one.

Mike walks over to help Scott with the suitcases. "Hey son-in-law! How are you?" Mike says as he hugs Scott. "I'm good! Thank you for helping with the suitcases." Scott says.

Mike and Scott bring in the suitcases while the kids talk with Nel. Mitch walks over with a sleeping Amelia.

"Aw, there's baby girl! She has gotten so big!" Nel says as Mitch sits down. "Tell me about it, our baby is growing up and it's making me sad." Mitch says a she kisses Amelia's cheek.

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