superfruit q&a #3

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*If you want to read the other two, go to my first Scomiche book! Love you guys! • Bree 🌸

Mitch and Scott get ready to film another Q&A! Mitch and Scott happily kiss as they set up the camera.

"Are you ready, babe?" Scott asks and Mitch nods. "If you feel sick or want to stop, let me know, love." Scott says as he kisses Mitch.

"I will. Sawyer, do you want to sit on my lap?" Mitch asks as Sawyer crawls over to him.

Mitch picks up Sawyer and begins to rub his back. Sawyer begins to fuss. "Somebody is getting sleepy." Mitch says as he calms Sawyer down.

Scott turns the camera on and fixes it on the tripod. "Can I have a kiss before we start?" Scott asks as he pouts. Mitch nods and he kisses Scott.

"I love you." Mitch says as he rubs Sawyer's back. "I love you!" Scott says as turns the camera on.

"Hello! Welcome to Superfruit, the best show on the internet! My name is Fruity Pebbles!" Scott says. "And my name is Apple Jacks! And we are yummy cereals!" Mitch says as he kisses Sawyer's cheek.

"We are going to do a Q&A today! We have been super busy, but we wanted to make a video for you guys this week! Sawyer is with us this week too. His teeth are coming in and he needed some cuddles." Scott says as he holds Sawyer's hand.

"Thank you guys for these amazing questions! Our hashtag was trending on twitter, like how cool is that?" Mitch says with a smile.

• Congrats on the new baby! Do you guys have names picked out?
"Thank you! And yes we do!" Mitch says with a big smile.

"Kirstie suggested a boy and a girl name to us a while back and we fell in love with both of them. You guys are upset that Sophia or Isabella's middle name don't honor Kirstie. We wanted to have her name as a middle name but Kirstie told us not to. She didn't want us to." Scott says as he wipes off Sawyer's mouth.

"So using the name she suggested to us is making her very very happy! We still don't know the gender! I promise we will find out! My doctor has been very busy!" Mitch says as he kisses Sawyer's cheek.

"Don't worry, the baby is doing fine! He or she has been kicking, which is so exciting." Scott says.

• Are you guys having kids after this baby? PS, Scott use a condom!
Mitch laughs loudly and so does Scott. "I promise, I use condoms!" Scott says as he cries of laughter.

"Yes, this WILL be our last baby. I think six is plenty! So I'll be getting my tubes tied after this baby is born." Mitch says.

"And I 100% support Mitch's decision on getting his tubes tied. It's Mitch's body and I am happy with having six children. We only wanted three and here we are with almost six." Scott says as Mitch laughs.

• Liam and his little girlfriend are cute. Do you guys know he has a girlfriend?
Scott and Mitch giggle. "Yes, we do know about his special friend. I call it special friend, because he is too little to have a girlfriend!" Mitch says.

"Liam has known Willow since they were four, I think. Her parents are so sweet and very nice. Nine year olds don't understand what dating is really. It's so cute, all they do is hold hands and hug each other." Scott says as he laughs.

• Mitch, how have you been feeling?
"I have felt okay! Morning sickness has been a bitch this time around and I had the stomach flu last week. But I think my sickness is finally starting to go away, hopefully. I actually had to get medicine to help with my morning sickness. I was sick literally all day everyday and I lost five pounds." Mitch says.

• Which of the kids has the craziest hair to fix in the morning?
"Definitely Isabella's." Scott says. "Absolutely. She has had crazy hair since day one of her life. It's so curly and crazy. When she was a little baby, her hair always sticked up like a mohawk and never laid right!" Mitch says with a giggle.

"If you wondered why Isabella's hair is always up, that's why. We have no idea what to do with it!" Scott says as he chuckles. Isabella runs in and climbs on Scott's lap. "Do you wanna say hi?" Scott asks. "Hi!" Isabella says loudly and Mitch smiles.

"I think Isabella looks a lot like Scott's mom but she has my brown hair." Mitch says as Isabella giggles. "We were just talking about your crazy hair!" Mitch says as Isabella messes her hair up.

"Is Sawyer otay?" Isabella asks Mitch and Scott. "He's okay, his mouth just hurts because his teeth are coming in." Scott says as he fixes Isabella's hair.

• What are the kids nicknames?
"Liam's nickname is Li Li, but lately he wants to be called by his name only. I don't know what that is about. I swear he acts like he is fifteen instead of only being nine." Mitch says as he rubs Sawyer's back.

"Hudson's nickname is Huddy or Hud. He goes by Huddy the most." Mitch says. "Yeah, family calls him Huddy a lot. It's cute." Scott says.

"We call Sawyer, little man or baby boy. Sawyer is a hard name to shorten up." Mitch says as he looks down at Sawyer, who is fast asleep on his chest.

"Sophia's nicknames are Soph or Sophie. I think she likes being called Soph more." Scott says as Isabella messes her hair up again. Mitch nods in agreement. "I'm Issy!" Isabella says and Scott giggles.

"That's right! We call Isabella, Issy." Scott says as he pulls down Isabella's shirt and fixes it. "Doesn't she look cute with her glasses?" Mitch asks the camera. "My gwasses are purple!" Isabella says and Mitch nods.

"And that is all that questions we are going to answer in this episode! Thank you guys so much for all of the awesome questions! I had so much fun! Did you Mitchy?" Scott asks.

"I sure did! I think Issy and Sawyer did too! Sawyer had so much fun that he fell asleep!" Mitch says as he kisses Sawyer's head.

"I had fun too!" Isabella says as she plays with Scott's nose. "That tickles!" Scott says.

Scott, Mitch and Isabella whisper goodbye as they blow a kiss at the camera. Scott turns off the camera and takes the memory card out.

Mitch takes Sawyer and lays him down in his pack 'n play to nap. "Isabella, are you sleepy?" Scott asks and Isabella nods no.

"Okay, let's play in the playroom so Sawyer can take his nap." Scott says. "Otay!" Isabella says, running to the playroom.

Isabella, Mitch and Scott played tea party until Isabella fell asleep. :)

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