sophia has a boyfriend?

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*Sophia has a little boyfriend! Uh oh! I hope you guys enjoy this one! Got any ideas, let me know. Love • Bree 🎀

Today, Sophia is going to have a play date with her best friend Beckett! Sophia is excited to see her best friend, she often calls him her boyfriend.

"Daddy, is Beckett here yet?" Sophia asks Mitch who is cleaning up the kitchen.

"He and his mom are on their way, sweety! Is your  bedroom clean?" Mitch asks Sophia.

"Yes, Daddy!" Sophia says as she runs over to play with Isabella and Amelia.

Scott, Liam, Hudson and Sawyer come down the steps with their laundry.

"Thank you boys for helping Papa!" Mitch says happily. Scott walks over and kisses Mitch.

"Sophia's friend Beckett and his mom are coming over!" Mitch says and Scott smiles.

"Ooo, Sophia's boyfriend is coming over!" Scott says and Sophia giggles.

"He's just a friend that's a boy!" Sophia says as Scott tickles her.

"It's your boyfriend!" Scott says and Sophia laughs.

Sawyer runs and then then trips on Wyatt's toy.

"Oh no! It's okay, baby boy. It's okay!" Mitch says as he picks up Sawyer.

Mitch kisses Sawyer's cheek and rubs his back.

"It's okay, bud. Do you think he needs an ice pack?" Scott asks Mitch.

"I think he is okay. Just needs some cuddles, right Sawyer?" Mitch asks and Sawyer nods.

Isabella takes the toys from Amelia and Amelia begins to fuss.

"Issy, you need to share with Amelia." Scott says as he walks over to the living room.

"I wanna play." Sawyer says and Mitch nods.

"Go ahead, bud." Mitch says as Sawyer runs into the living room.

Hudson is playing Pokémon on his Nintendo 3DS.

"I'm playing Pokémon with Addison!" Hudson says happily.

"Aw, that's so cute!" Scott says.

A few minutes later, Beckett and his mom Madeline arrive!

"Hey guys! Come on in! I'm Mitch, Sophia's dad. It's so nice to meet you." Mitch says as Daisy and Lucy run to the door.

"Lucy! Daisy! Over here!" Scott says from the living room.

"I'm Madeline, Beckett's mom! It is so nice to meet you!" Madeline says as she shakes Mitch's hand.

"Our dogs love to meet new people." Mitch says and Madeline giggles.

"I love dogs so much! We have three golden retrievers at home." Madeline says as she and Beckett walk to the living room.

"We also have a cat but he likes to hide usually." Mitch says as Wyatt peaks out of the kitchen.

"Hello! I'm Scott, Sophia's Papa! It's so nice to meet you! Welcome to our home! Would you like a drink?" Scott asks Madeline and Beckett.

"A water for both of us is great, thank you so much!" ‪Madeline says as Wyatt walks over to Madeline.

"Sophia!" Beckett says as he hugs Sophia.

"Hi, Beckett! This is my sissys Amelia and Isabella! And there's my brothers Hudson and Sawyer! My other brother Liam is playing a video game!" Sophia says and Beckett smiles.

Beckett and Sophia run over and begin to play dress up and kitchen.

"Beckett told me you two are in a band and we love your music! It's phenomenal!" Madeline says with a smile.

"Thank you so much! We are actually working on a new album! Scott and I are working on an album too." Mitch says and Scott nods.

"What do you do as a career, Madeline?" Scott asks Madeline.

"I'm studying to become an OBGYN and my focus is on carrier men." Madeline says and Mitch's face lights up.

"I'm a carrier! I carried all six of our children." Mitch says and Madeline smiles.

"Oh my goodness! May I use you guys for my project? I need to interview a couple that has somebody is a carrier." Madeline says.

"Of course! We would love to help!" Mitch says and Scott happily nods. Madeline and Mitch talk about carrier stuff.

"I carried all the kids to thirty seven weeks or later! I had all c-sections. My oldest was breech and I was gonna do a VBAC but our second son Hudson was too big for my pelvis so I just did a c-section." Mitch says as Madeline takes notes.

"Did you have an complications with any of the pregnancies?" Madeline asks Mitch.

"I had preterm labor contractions with my fifth but they were able to be stopped and my last baby they had to deliver right after I came into the hospital because her heart rate was going down due to the cord being around her neck." Mitch says as Amelia wobbles over.

"Da da! Pa!" Amelia says as Scott picks up Amelia. Sawyer runs in and runs over to Mitch.

"Do you wanna say hi to Ms. Madeline?" Mitch says.

"Hi! I'm Sawyer!" Sawyer says and Madeline smiles.

"Hi, Sawyer! You are a big boy!" Madeline says and Mitch smiles.

"The order of the kids are Liam, Hudson, Sophia, Isabella, Sawyer and Amelia." Mitch says.

"I would love to have another child, but I don't want to without a better job or a partner." Madeline says.

"We weren't expecting to have six kids but we did." Scott says and Mitch laughs. Madeline also laughs.

"Sophia is my girlfriend!" Beckett says and Sophia giggles, as she hugs Beckett.

"Don't break my sister's heart." Liam says sternly.

"I won't! Sophia is pretty and sweet." Beckett says as Sophia kisses Beckett's cheek.

Liam walks over and begins to play with his phone.

"Liam, Beckett isn't gonna mess with Sophia. Don't be mean." Scott says and Liam nods.

"I see a protective big brother over there!" Madeline says with a giggle.

"Liam is very protective of all his siblings. Proud big brother that's for sure." Mitch says with a smile.

Sophia is wearing her Anna dress while Isabella is wearing her Elsa dress. Beckett is wearing the Tiana dress. Beckett runs in and Madeline giggles.

"You look so cute Beckett. Here's a drink." Madeline says and Beckett drinks a few sips.

Sophia runs in and hugs Beckett again. "Aw, they are so cute." Scott says as Mitch and Madeline nod in agreement.

After a few hours of playing, Madeline and Beckett go home. Sophia had a great play date with her "boyfriend" :)

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