liam's 1st day of middle school!

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*Follow along Liam in his first day of middle school! I hope you enjoy this! Something different! If the Spanish is wrong please let me know! I used a translator, lol! Love • Bree 💙*

Today is Liam's first day of middle school! Liam is excited to start a new school with a lot of his friends and maybe even get some new friends!

Liam gets dropped off by Scott and Mitch. Liam walks over to a few of his friends.

"I can't wait for school to start! I hope we got classes together!" Josiah says as he fixes his hair.

Jeremiah walks over and bro hugs Josiah.

"Me too! My hair finally grew back!" Steel says with a grin.

"Dude, your mohawk is awesome!" Jeremiah says.

"Thanks man!" Steel says as he fixes his book bag

Willow walks over and hugs Liam. "Hey, babe! I hope we have classes together!" Liam says as he kisses Willow.

"I know! I hope we have classes together!" Liam says with a grin.

Lisa walks over in her dress and her hair in a braid. "Lisa! You look so pretty." Steel says.

"I know! I am obsessed with your dress! Where did you get it?" Willow asks Lisa.

"Thank you, Steel! And I got it at Justice! I love it!" Lisa says as she twirls her dress happily.

Finley walks over and joins the group. "Hey Finley!" Josiah says as he kisses Finley's cheek.

"Hi! I hope we all have classes together!" Finley says as she fixes her pony tail.

"So, where do we go first?" Jeremiah asks the group."

"We go to advisory. It's based on our last names. When we go in we get our schedules and then go to advisory." Liam says as the school bell rings and everybody goes inside.

Liam walks into Room 203 and sits down. He waits for everybody to get in the class Gabriel and Noah are in his advisory class too.

Once at the bell rings, Ms. Loftin walks in and takes attendance. Everybody in the class ooos when Liam's name is called.

"Are your parents in Pentatonix, Liam?" Ms. Loftin asks Liam curiously.

"Yes!" Liam says as he giggles. "I love their music! One of my favorites to listen to." Ms. Loftin says with a big smile.

Ms. Loftin then explains how their schedule reads and where the different classrooms are. Liam reads over his classes and where he needs to go each day. Since today is an A day, he will go to gym class for his sixth block.

Liam is in all advanced classes except for math. Math is his weakest subject.

Liam's Schedule
Advisory:  Ms. Loftin - Room 203
1st Block: Science 6: Mr. Jack - Room 205
2nd Block: Social Studies 6: Mrs. Kaylor - Room 210
3rd Block: Language Arts 6: Ms. Wilson - Room 207
- B Lunch -
4th Block: Intro To Spanish: Mrs. Roxie - Room 109
5th Block: Math 6: Ms. Smith - Room 213
6th Block: A Day: Gym/Health: Mr. Wukitch - Room: Gym 1
6th Block: B Day: Art: Mrs. Cole - Room 113
6th Block: C Day: Technology Education: Mr. Carpenter Room 3

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