i'm a carrier?

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*Thank you for Maddie_Zalfie for suggesting this for me! :) Send suggestions! I hope you enjoy! Love • Bree 😇*

Mitch has been dealing with a lot of weird symptoms since puberty started for him a few years ago.

Mitch would stomach cramps every single month and other odd symptoms he thought that a boy would have.

The symptoms match what a girl would go through during puberty minus the monthly bleeding.

Mitch finally told his parents about his symptoms, after realizing it's different and boys don't go through this.

Nel and Mike never seen or heard anything like that before. Nel decides to call Mitch's doctor, worried about Mitch's symptoms and afraid for what it could be.

Nel and Mike took Mitch to his doctor's office a few hours later!

The doctor ran a few tests on Mitch to figure out what's going on. Mitch did blood work and answered a ton of questions.

"I hope everything is okay. I'm so scared." Mitch says as he lays on the table, waiting for the results.

Mitch begins to cry a little bit and covers his face with his hands. Mike and Nel begin to comfort him.

"Don't worry about anything, son. It's going to be okay. I promise you." Mike says as he rubs Mitch's back in a comforting matter.

"We will fix the problem if there is a problem. Don't worry about anything, baby boy. I love you." Nel says as she kisses Mitch's cheek.

Nel, Mike and Mitch found out at the doctor's appointment that Mitch is a carrier. A carrier, meaning that he has a uterus and the other parts needed to carry a baby and give birth!

Nel and Mike were relieved that nothing bad was happening to Mitch. They are happy to have an answer to Mitch's symptoms and are excited that Mitch could have children if he chose to.

Mitch was actually excited that he could actually carry his own biological children. Then he realizes that he has to tell Scott the big news. He's afraid that Scott will break up with him or not wanting to have kids.

Mitch begins to cry and curls up in a ball in the back of the car.

"What's wrong, son?" Mike asks Mitch with concern.

Mitch sniffles and fixes his hair.

"What's wrong, honey?" Nel asks Mitch softly.

"I'm afraid that's Scott is gonna break up with me because I'm a carrier!" Mitch says with a sniffle.

"Scott is not going to break up with you, sweety. He loves you so so much. I promise you." Nel says as she rubs Mitch's leg.

"If he does break your heart I will kick his ass." Mike says sternly.

"Mike, that's not appropriate. Sweety, Scott loves you very very much. He wouldn't do that to you, I promise." Nel says as she holds Mitch's hand.

Once at home, Mitch texts Scott, asking him to come over and spend the night. Scott happily says yes and packs a bag.

Mitch anxiously waits for Scott. He's walks back and forth in his small bedroom, pacing back and forth.

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