let's go shopping w/ the boys

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*Its time to buy some summer clothes for the kids! Mitch and Scott take the boys out first! Don't worry, you guys suggestions are coming! I promise! I hope you guys enjoy! Love • Bree 💜

Scott and Mitch are taking the boys out to buy summer clothes! Nicole is going to watch the girls for them.

"Liam, Huddy, Sawyer! Let's go!" Scott says as he puts his shoes on.

"Nicole, are you gonna be okay with the girls?"  Mitch asks Nicole.

"Yes! We will be fine. Have fun shopping with the boys!" Nicole says as Mitch rolls his eyes.

"Wish me luck." Mitch says with a giggle and Nicole giggles as well.

"Boys, let's get going! Give Auntie Nicole a hug." Mitch says as Sawyer, Hudson and Liam hug Nicole.

The boys, Mitch and Scott get into the car and off to the mall they go! Scott drives the twenty minutes to the mall.

Hudson is playing his Nintendo 3DS while Liam is texting and listening to music. Sawyer is playing with his play toy laptop.

Once there, they begin to walk around the mall. Scott is holding Sawyer while Hudson and Liam are walking near Mitch.

"Here's the Nike store, boys." Mitch says as the boys walk into the store happily.

"I wanna look at shoes." Liam says to Mitch and Scott.

"We aren't looking at shoes today, bud. We are looking at clothes. We can look at shoes next time." Scott says.

Mitch begins to look at the toddler clothes for Sawyer. Sawyer and Scott are busy playing hide and go seek.

"Liam, put your phone away. You should help me pick out what shirts you like." Mitch says as he picks out clothes he likes for Sawyer.

"What shirts do you like Sawyer?" Mitch asks Sawyer.

"That and that!" Sawyer says with a huge grin.

"I like these shirts!" Hudson says as he holds up a group of shirts.

"Make sure it's a size small, baby. Liam, did you find shirts you like?" Mitch asks Liam.

"Yeah, what size am I?" Liam asks in a sassy tone.

"You are a size medium. And no attitude please." Mitch says sternly to Liam.

Liam and Hudson pick out shirts they like and then they walk with Mitch to pick out what shorts and socks.

Sawyer could care less what he wears, so he and Scott play the whole time. Mitch then takes the boys into the dressing room to try on the shirts.

"That shirt is too tight for Sawyer. Scott, can you find this shirt in a 4T?" Mitch says and Scott nods.

"How does this look, Daddy?" Liam asks Mitch.

"Those shorts fit nice, Liam." Mitch says with a smile.

"Do you like these shorts, Daddy?" Hudson asks Mitch.

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