SwapFell Papyrus x Shy! Child! Reader ~Stray Animal~

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This is my first fanfiction so it's maybe gonna suck. I have my own kind of SwapFell brothers headcannons. One is that SF! Papyrus has a really big softspot for stray animals. He can come home with a stray kitten and he tries really hard to hide it from SF! Sans. In this story he kind of sees the Reader as a stray animal and imediatly wants to help. SF! Sans has a softspot to for them but dosen't really show it all that good. They don't really have this pet and master relationship but SF! Papyrus still calls SF! Sans 'lord' but when he talks to someone about him he just calls him Sans. Now when that is done these might be helpful

Y/N = Your Name

S/C = Soul Color

C/N = City name

now you can finally READ!

You ran and ran from the goat man that chased after you. You ran through the doors and then you collapsed on the ground. You held your ribs and panted hard. After a while you got upp and kept on walking. You walked untill you heard something break so you turned around.... nothing... You felt yourself become worried so you turned around and walked faster and faster untill you came to a gate thingy that was well done and it looked like you couldn't go forward anymore. You looked around in a little panic untill you saw that you could go under the bridge but when you were about to do it you felt something on your shouler. It felt like a boney hand "H U M A N, T U R N A R O U N D A N D S H A K E M Y H A N D..." You got scared but you turned around and he reached out his hand. You hesitated but knew that you could not get out from this situation so you just did what you were told. You took his hand and then you felt a zap go though your body and you jumped back "haha, The old zapper in the hand trick, it's ALWAYS funny!" You looked at the person and you got... suprised. It was a skeleton with a orange long shirt with yellow stripes and with that it had a black vest that had a hint of orange halway through it. With that he had yellow orangeish eyes and black pants with black tennis shoes. But the thing that you reacted at was his mouth. On his left fang he had a gold tooth that looked like it was forefully put there becuase from the tooth he had cracks that went upp to his eye socket. You were shy but you were kind of worred about him. "W-What happened..." you said very quietly and he looked at you with a confusing look "huh?" you felt yourself blush and you said a little higher "W-What happened to your F-Fang? D-Does it H-Hurt?" he looked at you with a suprised look mixed with confusion and maybe embarrassment­? Who knows? "Not really, kid, Don't worry" he said and sat on his knees. He saw that you had a cut on your cheek and he gentely took his finger on it. "Come with me, I'll patch you up" he said softly. He picked you up and sat you on his hip, the action made you shy and you put your face in his suppodsely neck. He smiled at you "You are the shy type huh?" He asked and your response was with a little nod. He smiled and went under the bridge and started to walk to snowdin 'thank god Sans won't be home for a while..' he thought and walked through the heavy snow. When he was finally home he went to the bathroom and sat you on the toilet. He looked through the cabin and found a patch that had a S/C on. He bent down and put it on your cheek gentely. Suddenly he remembered something "Sorry how rude of me! I haven't even told you my name!" he stood up and smiled down at you "My name is Papyrus, Papyrus the skeleton and you?" you looked down a little and said quietly "Y-Y/N" "Ahhh, What a cute name~" he said and patted your head which made you smaller. "You don't have to be shy around me princess" he reasured with a smile across his boney face. You looked at him and nodded shyly with a hint of a blush on your small face. "awww, your to cute~" he exclamied and hugged you while he rubbed his cheek on you. "H-Hey..." you tried to say something but you knew that he would not really listen to you. It felt kind of nice to have someone care about you... it was a long time you had felt warthm like this. He stopped suddenly which made you dissapointed but you understood why. "Sans..." Papyrus mumbled and he looked at you "Stay here sweetie and I'll go and talk with my bro" he said and you grabbed his arm "I-Is he D-Dangerous...?" you asked quietly. Papyrus looked down on you and smiled gentely "Nah, don't worry" he said and opened the door. He walked up to his tired brother. "rough day?" the older one asked and Sans just nodded "I... have to talk to you about something but i think you have to rest and then we can talk" Sans looked at him with a curious look "What is it?" he asked and tilted his head. "umm... well... we kind of have a hum-" "A HUMAN!? WHERE IS IT?!" he asked excitedly while looking around him and spinning around "calm dom m'lord" Papyrus said and he looked at Papyrus "where is it?" he asked once again but more seriosly "she's in the bathroom but i don't want you to take it in" Papyrus said and looked at his smaller brother "Why?" he asked and crossed his arms over his chest "Well... she's young... isin't it cruel to take her to the queen and... y'know kill her?" he asked and his brother looked down and it seemed that he started to think. "let me see her" he said and Papyrus nodded. He led Sans to the bathroom and Sans saw the little girl sit on the toliet and dangle her legs. "leave us be Paps" Papyrus nodded and did as he was told. He walked out and closed the door. "Stand up" You stood up and looked at Sans shyly. He saw this and couldn't help his cheeks become a little blue. "Well, so your the human, huh? Well my name is Sans and yours?" you shuffled your feet and played with your hands while you looked down "Y/N Mr..." you said quietly. He sighed. "Speak up" You felt yoursellf blush "Y-Y/N" you said more loudly and he smiled "good" he walked up to you and put his hand under you chin and forced you to look at him. He looked into your E/C eyes and scanned them. It felt like he looked right through your soul and it kind of scared you a bit. "hmm..." he steped back and looked up and down at you. "So human... What does a young soul like you made you climb this mountain?" he asked and you looked down sadly "I-I did not really like where i lived..." you said honestly. What could you say? He felt pity for one moment but it changed fast "PAP!" he screamed which made you cringe a bit. A moment later the door openend to reveal Papyrus with barbecue saus on his mouth and he held on to the bottle. "Take her to the kitchen, she needs to eat something" Papyrus seemed suprised but nodded and gestered you to follow him. You walked to him and looked down at the floor. When you both left Sans couldn't help but feel pity for you. You had not said much but he could read your body language, how you talked and what made you scared "She did not have it good up there, huh?" he said to himself and sighed. Meanwhile you and Papyrus made food or Papyrus looked through the fridge to find something to eat while you sat on the chair waiting for him to put something edible on the table. "So where did ya come from?" he asked out of nowhere and you jumped up a little from the question "C/N" you said quetly and suddenly he found something. "Hope you like some tacos..." he said and you smiled a bit "I LOVE THEM!" now he jumped up a bit by your sudden personality change and you realised it so you covered your mouth looked down and blushed madly. "So you are not so quiet i thought you were" he said with a little smirk and pated your head "Don't be embarresed princess, nobody is gonna judge you here" you looked up a bit and smiled at him. After that Sans had told Papyrus you could stay which made you happy. At night you felt yourself become tired and you laid you upper body on the kitched table. You didn't want to ask where you were gonna sleep because in the end they were kind of scary to you so you tried to not talk to much. After a while you felt a boney hand on your shoulder that seemed familiar so you looked up and saw Papyrus smiling at you "Your tired?" you nodded and he picked you up "Well you don't mind sleeping in the same bed as me tonight, right?" you shaked your head and he seemed to be satisfied "Well that's good, well i guess were going to sleep then? Because i am tired to" he walked up to his room and put you on the bed while he looked through his closet to find something you could sleep in. After about 5 minutes he found a oversized shirt you could have which was S/C color. "here" you took it and he looked away so you could change after that you crawled into his comfy bed and he after you "Do you want to stay here?" he asked you and you nodded "I don't really want to go home..." you said quietly and he looked at you sadly "You don't have to" you nodded and he took a arm around your small frame and held you close "This is your new home now..." you smiled at those words and you took your small arm around him and held on to his fabrick. "Thank you Papyrus..." you said quietly before you fell asleep. Papyrus smiled down at you and kissed (?) your head gentely before he took his fingers through your hair "You don't have to say anything princess..." After a while Sans opened the door to see you both sleeping safe and soundly. He couldn't help but smile at you both "Well i guess you can only keep this one stray cat Papyrus..."

I hope this was good! Well thank you for reading it and next i kind of want to do a UnderSwap Sans x Sad! Reader but it could be OuterSwap Sans x Reader to. Well i do what i feel like :3

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