UnderTale Sans x Energetic! Reader

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Requested by: Nethris andni know there was a couple more but i forgot to write them down :')

Hope you'll enjoy!

Listened to this two while I was writing

“Sans! Sans! Sans!” you repeatedly said as he still were laying in his bed, sleeping and probably dreaming about being lazy and never work again. “Sans! It’s time to wake up!” you said and took his covers, throwing them away while you sat down onto his bed and he looked at your energetic state as you always had. “Just five more minutes…” he mumbled and you sighed. “I can’t wait that long!” you complained. “You can’t say anything if you haven’t tried” he said and you sighed loudly. “Sans, i can’t just sit around and do nothing!” you whined and he looked at you while you dramatically slid down his bed and onto the floor. “It’ll be the death of me~ And plus you promised me that we two would to go and buy some stuff today, remember?” you said and looked up at him while he looked down at you lazily.

“oh, right, that was today” he said and remembered the promise he made to your some days before. “Alright, i’ll get up” he said and you saw him sit up slowly. When he sat up he rubbed his eye sockets tiredly and let out a big yawn. “So where are we going first?” he asked and you smiled a big and energetic smile. “I dunno… you can decide when you get up!” you said and exited his room, letting him prepare himself for the day.

You and him got to know each other when he had exited the Underground. You were one of the few people who was brave enough to greet the monsters from your class. They were very nice to you and you got along quite well with a tall skeleton named Papyrus. He was energetic as you so you both worked well with each other. He also had a older brother named Sans which you also got along well with expect he was the complete opposite of his brother but you didn’t really mind.

You both were finally at the mall and you both were shopping a lot of stuff. Or it was more that you ran around the place while Sans looked like a worried parent, chasing you around so you wouldn’t hurt yourself because truth be told you ran very fast and you were more energetic than usual which made Sans wonder why. He ignored it for a while but it started to bug him a little bit.

“Kiddo, can we take a little pause and maybe eat at a cafe?” Sans asked and pointed at a cafe which was right around the corner. “Sure!” you said and you both walked to the cafe with smiles on your faces. Sans ordered some food while you did the same and you both sat down at a table near a window. First you both sat silently, enjoying what you both ate and drank but then Sans decided to inerupt the silence with a question. “You seem more happy and hyper than usual, something special happened?” Sans asked and you looked at him a little surprised.

“Not really, it’s just i’m happy that you are with me, that’s all” you said and narrowed your eyes to the side a little bit, feeling a little embarrassed. Sans tilted his head by this. “Why?” he asked and you looked up at him once again. Your smile curved down slightly and your eyes got filled with sadness. “Well, people don’t really like me because i am like this… They can’t keep up with me and they think i’m annoying… It’s been a bit lonely but now when i meet you and of course the other monsters i feel happy” you said and Sans felt a bit surprised by your confession. He never thought you had have gone through that kind of things through your life because you were hyper and happy so he never thought you had gone through hard stuff.

Monsters and humans weren’t so different, huh?

“I’m sorry to hear that but i promise i won’t leave ya” Sans reassured with a smile, you smiled back at him when those words left him. It felt nice to have someone by your side.




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