SwapFell Brothers x Reader part 2 ~Happiness~

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Requested by: Nighteye_Undertale

Hope you'll enjoy!

(Fun fact: This picture were my first cover on this book X)

You fluttered your eyes open and looked around the dark living room closely. You were about to stand up until you felt something heavy on both of your shoulders. You looked and saw that two the two familiar brothers had fallen asleep on you. You smiled softly by this and decided to lean back and relax a little bit. You pulled out your phone and saw that it was 9 in the morning. Guess you all three was skipping work today, huh? You sighed out in relief when that thought came in your mind

It wasn't like you hated work it was just boring and most of the time cold. You often patrolled in Snowdin so you often were cold but sometimes Papyrus gave you his big  fluffy jacket so you wouldn't freeze to much which worked! His jacket was really warm! The only downside of it was that it smelled BBQ sauce or ravioli from it. Well you didn't mind as  long as it made you warm. 

After some time you heard something yawn beside you and you saw Sans waking up. He opened his big eye sockets and looked around, squinting his eyes. Seemed he was a bit confused about where he was. When he realized he have been spending his night in the living room he leaned back on your shoulder tiredly. "How much is the clock, human?" he mumbled and you pulled out your phone once again. "half ten" you simply said and he groaned. Seemed  he was a little irritated that he had over slept. "Dammit..." he simply said but it sounded like he wasn't angry which you found surprising but you let it slide. 

Just some moments later you heard shuffling beside you and a loud yawn followed after. Papyrus have also awoken but he didn't look around he just lazily let his head lean against your shoulder. "We have overslept" you said to Papyrus and he didn't react, he still had his eye sockets closed. "mhm" he said after a while and you only laughed. This was actually the first time you had seen both of them newly awake. You shrugged the thought away and leaned back against the soft and old sofa more. "What should we do?" you asked and narrowed your eyes at Sans which had followed your movement along with his brother. "We stay home, i'm tired" he said but it sounded like a order but you nodded. 

This was really relaxing actually. This was the first time you have seen both of them this relaxed and calm. They were just leaning against your shoulders and closing their eyes, feeling calm and collected. It made you happy that they could feel these emotions with you. You have had a little thought in the back of your mind that they have never truly accepted you but that thought was shaken away when you had them like this, each one of them by your side. It made you feel happy so you couldn't help the smile you had on your lips. 

"What's with that smile?" a voice suddenly asked and you looked to the source of the voice. You looked down at Papyrus which had his eyes narrowed at you. "I'm just happy" you said simply and he smiled  back to you. "About  what? I hope you don't think about your crush" he said and Sans suddenly bolted up "Are you in love with someone human?! I will not allow it!" he scolded you and you only laughed. "No, no i'm not in love with anyone!" you reassured but Sans had still a glint of suspicion inside his eyes. "I'm just happy that it can be a lazy day today" you said and Sans eyes changed into his normal ones. "Oh..." he simply said and laid his head on your lap instead. "I demand that you pet me, human" he said and  you nodded, petting his head with your hand while you took your arm around Papyrus shoulders, pulling him closer to you and you started to pet him to.

Best day you three have had in a while. 

I can see SF! Sans being a overprotective big brother who tries to protect his little sister from boys all the time XD 

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