UnderFell Papyrus x First Kiss! Reader

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Requested by: Minepearl

Hope you’ll enjoy!

How did you even survive down here? Everyone down here was just so… angry? Crazy?.... You didn’t really know how to describe everyone down here but it was just so confusing being down here. Plus you just didn’t know how you could actually befriend anyone down here but you did and let’s just say it wasn’t the best people to be honest.

Two skeletons which was quite mean to you but when you said back to them they often let you be alone. It didn’t happen often though but when it happened you showed that you were serious that if they didn’t leave you alone you wouldn’t hesitate to break their bones so when they crossed that line they often walked away.

You didn’t know if they walked away because they were scared or that they didn’t want to fight. Either way was okay with you, as long as they would leave you alone when you were that mad. You did like both of them though because they often protected you from dangers which you were forever grateful for because without them you would probably be dead now.

You did like one of them in a different way than the other one to be honest. You had a small, little crush on him… or that is what you always said to yourself but it was obvious that the small crush you had was huge. You didn’t know why you fell in love with him but what can i say? Love is blind.

You were at the kitchen table, sitting there while you tapped your fingers onto it’s hard surface out of boredom. You were also very tired but Papyrus wanted to talk to you about something so you had to wait for him. “He sure takes his time…” you mumbled and felt your head was about to lean a little to much on your hand while you felt that you slipped away from reality. You snapped back to it though and now you heard someone walk in so you turned your head and saw that Papyrus had walked in.

He did look a little bit worried about something but it wouldn’t be noticeable if you didn’t know him they way you do. He approached you and finally he sat down onto the chair next to you, looking at you with an even more worried look. Now this made you nervous.

“Let’s just get to the point” he said and you nodded. “I was just wondering if you… have thought about talking to the king and maybe… just maybe he would let you live and make you return to the surface…” you looked at him and blinked a couple of times. “What?” was the only thing that escaped your lips.

“Have you never thought about it?” he asked and you looked down. “If you think that i’m a nuicanse you could just say so, Papyrus” you said and he looked at you, tilting his head to the side. “Why would you think that?” he asked and you looked up at him. “I’m not really good at anything down here and plus most of the monsters just see me as a key” you said. “It’s okay, really” you ended and he looked surprised. “Think what you want to think" he simply said. You were about to stand up but you stood up to fast and tripped forward.

Suddenly you were on top of him, pressing your lips onto his mouth and you were blushing ten-no hundred shades of red. His eyes was looking directly into yours and you were to scared to move because well…

It was your first kiss

After some time you found the bravery and you pulled away, running away to your room while you left the tall skeleton in a blushing mess because he also

Had his first kiss

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