UnderSwap Papyrus x Shy! Neko! Reader ~Shy Cat~

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Requested by: deadlyllamas

Hope you'll enjoy!

You were a literal shy cat. You had cat ears and a cat tail so everyone always said that you literally were a shy cat. You always have been ever since you were a kitten (XD) so you never really had any friends until you started fifth grade and a new boy came into your new class. He was a long skeleton whose name was Papyrus. He was a really laid back guy who usually slept in class. Most girls swooned over him but you on the other hand didn't really care. He was nice and stuff but in the end you weren't a social person until HE decided to approach you. He got you and he seemed that he didn't get bothered by you at all. He was the one who gave you your first and last nick name. Kitty or cat but most of the time he called you kitty because he thought you looked cute like a kitty. When he said it you would always blush and till this day to when you were older. He was at his station sleeping as usual and you happened to walk through there, you were on your way to your house. You saw it and smiled softly at him when he drooled a little bit and was snoring softly. In some way he was really cute like that so you approached him. He was laying onto his arms and you decided to do something. You always had some hot tea with you because it always was a little cold in Snowdin. You poured a little tea into a cup and put it beside him. You poked him a little bit and he opened his eyes a little. He didn't recognize you at first but smiled softly when he saw you "oh, hey Y/N" he said and stretched his back. You smiled shyly at him "Hi Papyrus" you said softly and he smiled more when he heard your soft voice. "So, what brings you here? I can guess, you miss to see and talk to me, right?" he asked teasingly and you rolled your eyes blushing a little bit. "N-No, I just h-happened to walk t-through here on my w-way home" you said and he nodded glancing at the cup of tea. "O-Oh I thought y-you were a-a little cold a-and then I realized that y-you don't have any s-skin..." you mumbled and felt embarrassment went through your body. He chuckled softly "nah, don't worry about it and plus your tea always taste delicious" he said and took a sip from the tea. "T-Thank you" you said and he made a little humming noise. "You make your own tea, right?" he asked and you nodded softly. "I will always say that it's impressive" he said and you smiled again at him. "T-Thank you..." you said once again and he giggled, he saw that you looked rather cold. "Hey, come on sit on my lap" he said and you blushed. "W-Why?" you asked and he pointed at your legs "Looks like you are cold so why not let me warm you up?" he asked and you looked at the ground a bit but nodded. "Good" you walked behind his post and he patted his legs at you. You sighed softly but sat on his lap and he took his arms around your waist. "So kitty, have something interesting happened since we last met?" he asked and you shook your head "N-Not really..." you said and he sighed "H-How are your s-sleeping habits?" you asked and you felt quietness take over ".... I-If you w-want I can f-fix some t-tea to you... y-you always s-say that it m-makes you f-feel calmer..." you said and you felt him cuddle close to you "I would love that , kitty" he said and you leaned against him a bit. You felt that his arms were not around you anymore and he started to touch your ears. "they are so soft" he cooed and continued to play with them. "Papyrus~" you said and tried to sound irritated but in his eyes you only sounded cute. "Awww, your so cute kitty~" he said and out of nowhere he pecked one of the ears softly. "P-P-Papyrus!" you blushed madly and he couldn't help to giggle. "But kitty~" he cooed once again and buried his face onto your shoulder while he took his arms around your waist once again so you couldn't escape. "They are so cute! And you are so cute! I just want to hold you and kiss you all the time~" he said and you felt yourself blush even more. "P-Papyrus" you stuttered and felt him peck your cheek. "So cute..." he mumbled and buried his face onto your neck. You felt his warm breath on you which made you a bit sleepy yourself. After a while he fell asleep once again and you smiled softly. You kissed his cheek and closed your eyes softly. "Sleep tight..." you mumbled and stood up. You walked away and left the rest of your tea at his station. You were about to walk away but gave him a fast kiss on his mouth. "I...I love you to..." you mumbled and walked away fast but what you didn't know is that he opened his eyes softly when you walked away. He giggled softly and leaned back onto his chair

Such a cute little kitty. 

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