Papyrus x Mermaid! Reader

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Requested by: Coolness567 

Hope you'll enjoy and sorry for taking so long. Couldn't come up with a good plot ;w;

They finally were on the surface! It felt like they would never see the sky or the sun but now they were and boy how beautiful it was. Seeing the stars, seeing snow fall and feeling the soft yet cold rain fall onto you was a really new feeling but it was amazing. Right now everyone was at the beach! Everyone had a great time and Papyrus was making a sand castle. He was done with it quite fast and now he wanted to explore the beautiful beach he was on! He walked and walked until he got to a little forest of some sort. It was quite pretty and suddenly he was  in another part of the beach. It was big stones in the water and there were small stones on the ground. They all looked very pretty so he decided to take a look until he saw something. It was someone who looked like a fish who sat on one of the big rocks but only... halfway? He took another look and saw that the person was something he have heard of ever since he was small. A mermaid! He walked closer to it and suddenly it saw him. You looked startled and you tried to get away until you saw that he weren't human... actually it was kind of scary because you have only seen humans and your own people of course. "It's okay! You don't have to be scared Fishy!" Fishy...? You  tilted your head at him but laughed softly "fishy...?" you asked and he nodded "You are a fish, right?" he asked and you shook your head "I mean you are half right, i guess" you said "I'm a mermaid! But... how can a skeleton move? I mean it was a long time i was taking a visit on the surface but i didn't know that technology have come this far!" you exclaimed and suddenly Papyrus laughed "I am not a skeleton  from a human if that is what you are thinking, I'm a monster skeleton" he exclaimed and you titled your head at him "Monster... skeleton?" you asked and now he explained what he meant and where they came from "oh Mount ebott! i have heard of it but i didn't think there were people living in it" you explained and he smiled sweetly "Well it was!" he said and you smiled at him "Can i sit beside you?" he asked and you blushed just a little bit but you nodded "Yeah, sure" you said and  he climbed some other rocks to get to you. You both started a conversation with each other. You asking about how magic worked  for them and he asking how magic worked for your people. He also explained about his friends and another fish named Undyne! It was quite funny to talk to him "Hey is this real?" he asked and pointed at your fish tail. You nodded and moved it side to side. "Can i touch it?"  he asked and you nodded. He poked it first like it was supposed to attack him but after some time he put his hand onto it "Wovie! It feels really cool!" he exclaimed and you giggled by his behavior "Thank you!" you said and suddenly you heard someone call for him "Oh, it's my brother but i have to go now!" he said and walked away. To be honest it was a little bit disappointing that he had to go away so fast but then again he will maybe come again? Suddenly you heard his voice "I will come back so don't worry! I can see that you want to talk to the great Papyrus again!" he exclaimed and you nodded "Yeah! See ya!" you said and he walked away to his brother. You on the other hand still enjoyed the beautiful sun go down. 

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