UnderWorld skelebros x reader

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Requested by: AltarReality 

Hope you'll enjoy!

Was listening to these songs when i wrote :3

Where were you? This place was very scary and dark and especially for someone in your age. You were merely a child and no child can possibly survive this place. You took small steps in the cold, dark night when suddenly you heard someone behind you so you quickly looked behind you. Nothing. You felt uneasy now but you still continued to walk forward and you heard it again. You turned around but now you saw something. A figure in the distant. You could only look at it approached you slowly but carefully. You felt fear rise within your small chest but you stood your ground, trying to find some bravery inside you. When the shadow finally appeared all that bravery you had vanished in a instant. It was a large skeleton with a blue eye and the other eye was orange. He had a crack in his skull and it had steam leaking out from it. His teeth was large and pointy which reminded you of shark teeth but larger. Your first instinct was to run but you didn't. You only looked at him and you heard him breathing heavily. Suddenly common sense struck you and you turned a full 180. You ran as fast as your small legs could run and after some running you started  to pant hard so you stopped for a while. You collapsed onto the ground and you started to throw up a little bit due to you not being familiar with running that fast and making your body use so much strength. You suddenly saw some boots in front of you and you looked up to only see now a tall skeleton which was really thin. You didn't even care to react this  time so you only looked at him. He reached out a hand to you which surprised you  a lot. You looked at his hand and then at where his head should have been. You felt pity for some reason... He couldn't see anything at all. You  felt now pity for the monster you had ran away from to. He maybe just wanted to help...? You took his hand softly and he pulled you up. He pointed forward and  he started to walk away. You figured he wanted you to follow him  so you did. You walked beside him and you tried to talk with which didn't work out all that good so you both decided to just be quiet the whole walk which you didn't mind. After some walking you both finally came to a place called Snowdin. You looked around a little and suddenly you saw the same monster you had ran away from. You hid behind tall skeleton legs while you looked at the other skeleton with fear. Suddenly you heard him talk. He talked! Can monsters talk? He said something to the taller skeleton but you didn't know what he said. "You.. are a human?" the big monster asked and you nodded slowly, not knowing if you did the right decision. You saw that it was painful for him to talk so you didn't ask any questions. "Don't be scared... i won't hurt" he said and you nodded once again and you stood away from the tall skeletons legs. "My name is Sans and this is my brother Papyrus" he said and  you nodded, looking  up at the tall skeleton "Papyrus..." you said and saw that he looked down at you. You looked at Sans and  you felt even more sad by what he looked like. "I'm sorry i ran away" you apologized and  looked down in the ground in  shame. "Don't... worry" he said and you saw that he tried to smile at you but  it was kind of creepy but at least he smiled!

"I understand"

Okay i know a bit by UnderWorld but not so much so i hope i got everything right! I like to think that they are friendly but not to Frisk because He/She was the one who continued to reset all the time... But they can start hate the reader to because well... they can start reseting to =)

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