DanceTale Sans x Dancer! Reader

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Requested by: Sanstheskelebro374

Hope you'll enjoy!

It was fun to dance around, feeling happiness inside you blossom every time you did a dance move right. It felt good to do it and nothing could stop you to make you quit dancing. One day you fell down in Underground and many monsters for some reason got surprised when they saw that a human could dance. It made their eyes widen and chins nearly fall to the ground. Down there you meet a monster named Sans which was very nice to you and you both danced with each other, helping each outer out to dance better and evolve. It was fun to share your dances with someone even if you were a bit insecure the first time you danced with him but he helped you through it. He was really nice and of course punny. Anyways you both had just finished dancing and you were sitting onto the grass, sweating just a little bit because you both felt a bit exhausted. "hey, kiddo you never fail to impress me" he said and you smiled at him kindly "Thank you Sans and same to you! You are really good to!" you said and he smiled at you gently which made you get butterflies in your stomach. You had a little crush on him... okay it wasn't so little. You really liked him and you wished you could show him how much you loved him but you always failed with words. You both looked forward, enjoying the silence and the peace you both felt. "So, when are you going to leave?" he asked and that question made you think over your decision. "I really don't know... I want you guys to get out so... soon I guess" you answered his question but you felt a bit insecure. It was fun being down here and you thought you wouldn't have the same connection you had with Sans down here if you both were up on the surface. He would drift away from you and it made you bit sad. Sans saw this and put a hand on your shoulder, making you look up at him "why do you look so down in the dumps suddenly" he asked and you perked up by the question and slammed a fake smile on your face "It's nothing!" you said and he looked at you with a look filled with suspicion. "I don't like liars, Y/N" he said and you stopped smiling and you looked down a bit. "I guess I am kind of afraid to get up there again..." you said, telling half the truth to the short skeleton. He tilted his head at you as he was telling you to continue "I-I'm just a bit afraid you'll drift away from me if we get up there... you know when we dance with each other it feels so cool and amazing! I don't really want that to change..." you said truthfully and he smiled at you, punching your arm playfully to make you look at him "I promise I won't forget you if we get to the surface!" he said which made you smile at him. "So come on, one last dance and then I have to get home and you need to continue your journey" he said and you nodded. Standing up with him and you both started to dance but not the usual you both did. It was more relaxing and it made your soul feel... weird. You know that when monsters dance with each other their souls connects with each other depending on the dance but you didn't know it affected humans to! When you were both done Sans pecked your cheek softly and walked away, leaving you flustered and confused if he liked you or not.

Why do I think of Yuri on ice when I wrote this?????????

And i had the the cutest fucking goth x reader but it dissappeard for some fucking reason and i feel just a little bit angry....

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