Ink Sans x Child! Reader ~Colorful~

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Requested by: Brickkubbles

How did this happen? You looked at into his eye sockets and smiled when his pupils would change form. It was funny and pretty. You where in a AU yes but there were nothing in it. He sensed that it a new AU was created but got really surprised when he saw your small form leaning against a 'wall'. He had awoken you from your sleep and he asked your name. It was kind of hard for you to remember it actually and he started to wonder how long you had been here or if you had gotten a concussion. It didn't matter because right now you where drawing with him. He smiled when you would try to draw the different shapes of his eyes and he smiled even more when they would change to fast so you didn't have the time to finish the drawings. Maybe just maybe he could take you in. You were really cute in his eyes and he already got attached to you. You weren't like the other humans in the other AU'S. Actually you didn't even look like Frisk or Chara. What were you exactly? He shrugged the thought away and looked at what you were drawing now. You had started to draw his eyes or eye sockets. He stood up and sat beside you instead so he could take a better look at your drawing. Actually you were kind of good at drawing. You had sketched his eye sockets not perfectly but really good. You had drawn a yellow triangle in his left eye socket (Illuminati? :O) while on the right one you had drawn a star. "Why do you draw me?" he asked with a friendly smile on his mouth. Without leaving your eyes on the paper you smiled "Because your eyes are nice and cool" he grinned playfully and looked at what you where drawing once again. He couldn't take you in because of what his work but he would always come to you everyday to check if you were alright. You both got really attached to each other and you started to love to draw because of him. He was a really good drawer and he would sometimes make a portrait of you. You felt very shy and timid when he did it the first time and he thought you were really cute when you were shy. He couldn't help to love it. Right now you were sitting in his lap as he showed you how draw shadows and such. You often would look up at him and after a while he laid pen and sketch book on the floor and looked down at you. "What is it?" he asked and you turned to face him. "I want hugs" you said and he started to blush a bit at your comment. He looked away for a moment and after some seconds he looked at you "And why is that?" he asked and you buried your face onto his chest "Because i love you" he froze a bit and looked down at you. You looked up at him once again"Do you love me?" you asked and he started to blush more if he could. After a while he calmed down and looked down at you "Of course i do" he said and kissed your forehead softly. "Your the most colorful rainbow that i have ever known" You smiled a bit and you hugged him softly which he returned but slowly your grip around him tightened and he did the same. You both were embracing each other and it looked like neither of you would let go anytime soon but after a while had to started lose his grip around you but felt your small arms tighten around him and you buried your face more onto his chest "I don't want to let go..." he looked down at you "but i have to go, Rainbow" you looked up at him "Rainbow?" He smiled at you softly and started to pet your hair softly "yeah, can i call you that?" he asked and you nodded "but why?" he started to take his fingers through your hair "Because you have made my soul and life more colorful... like a rainbow that shines through a rainstorm" He hugged you tightly once again "So my rainbow i have to go now" You nodded and kissed his cheek. He blushed a bit but soon let go of you which he didn't want to but had to. He teleport away. You sighed softly but smiled. 

How attached can you get to someone?

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