SwapFell Papyrus x Adopted! Reader ~Rare Love~

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I'm feeling kind of down today (Because that Ink Sans suicidal reader hit me right into my heart like holy hell) And some other things so just wanted to write something with my lovely SwapFell Papyrus so here! Hope it will make you feel better to if you have a bad day!

You were pacing around the living room feeling scared, nervous and just worried about Papyrus. He was really mad when some monster punks had been talking (excuse my language) shit so Papyrus were pretty pissed about that and decided to go and umm... kill them. Or just cripple them but now he have been outside for a long time. What if he was hurt? Or what if they had... no, no, no this is PAPYRUS we are talking about he wouldn't die of some mere monsters! You heard someone open the door and you wiped your head to the doors direction "P-Pap-" you interrupted yourself when you saw what condition he was in. He got a crack in his skull and he just looked genuinely beaten up. He fell forward and you took him just in time. It was surprising that you could hold his whole weight but then again hes a skeleton. "what the hell happened?" you asked and pulled him to the bathroom. You sat him onto the floor and he was leaning on the wall "i just got... BONED a bit... hehe- o-ow" you started to patch his skull carefully but he still flinched "I knew you couldn't do it! They were to many!" you said and looked at him with a grumpy look "They were cowards..." he mumbled and you sighed "And you were stupid" he snorted a bit and you looked at him. "c'mon take of your shirt, i bet some of your ribs are broken to right?" you asked and he wiggled his invisible eyebrows "Oh for the love of god Papyrus" you said irritated and he chuckled "Come on i was just joking" he said and took of his shirt and his jacket. You were right he had some broken ribs and old scars from before. You sighed and you started to patch him up but you heard him hiss and yelp in pain. They were right about the ribs being sensitive huh? When you were done he put on his shirt and jacket once again. You were about to walk out but Papyrus pulled you down and hugged you "Hey why do you look so grumpy??" he asked and you sighed "Well you nearly got yourself killed, why do you do this  kind of things?" you asked and he looked down at you "you'll understand when you are older" there he go again with that bs. You sighed loudly and tried to get away from his grasp "You always say that and it is starting to get annoying, i'm not a baby and i deserve the truth" you said and stopped struggling. You looked up at him and he looked at you "I'm not the little girl you knew about Papyrus, i have grown up" he sighed softly and he bumped his head with yours softly "That's true but... i just don't like this truth" you looked down and he sighed "But i guess i have to share it... it is about you after all..." you looked at him once again "those monsters wanted to do some... bad stuff with you... if you catch my drift? They wanted to use you and i got mad when i heard that plan... so i just wanted to protect you..." your eyes widen a bit and you couldn't help to smile "I care about you more than anyone else... and i won't let stupid monsters use MY princess" you sighed softly but turned around and hugged him "Thank you Paps" you said and he hugged you back softly "eh, don't mention it" he said and you both were just hugging each other softly. "I... I care about you to Papyrus..." you said back and he smiled down at you. "awww you are so cute when you say such cute things~" he cooed and bear hugged you. How can he be so strong!? "P-Pa- c-can't b-bre-" "oh, sorry" he said and stopped hugging you hard but still hugged you "but still thank you" he said and kissed your head. You blushed just a little bit. "your welcome" you muttered and you both were just chilling, enjoying the rare moment

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