EchoSwap Papyrus x Reader

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Requested by: Deadlylama

 Hope you'll enjoy! And sorry if the personality is a bit weird... 

You were by the echo flowers taking it easy and just feeling calmness go through your whole body. It was a little bit of a rarity for you. You took a deep breath in and breathed out. So quiet and relaxing. Nothing can disturb th- "WAHHH!!" you shirked loudly like a sacredly cat. Papyrus had just teleported beside you. "H-HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU NOT TO DO THAT!?" you shirked loudly at him and he only snickered "To many times" he said and you sighed softly. Welp, that went your alone time away. "So, what are you doing out here?" he asked lazily and he looked at you with a little smirk. "I was trying to relax until you came along" you said and his smirk widen"Aww, come on why so blue?" he asked and you rolled your eyes at him "Like you care" you said and he shrugged a bit while he leaned against the hard wall. You both stayed like that for a while until you felt him take an arm around your shoulders discretely. You didn't really mind actually... You leaned against him a bit and you both looked forward with empty looks. If someone would walk by they probably would think you both were sad or something but this is usually how you both were. You both felt the same things usually but you both had different ways to cope with those negative feelings. "Sweetie?" he asked suddenly and you looked up at the smirking skeleton "Do you actually enjoy this?" he asked and you rolled your eyes at him. Why does he always try to tease you? It didn't work! Well sometimes it would work but other times it didn't. "Trying to hide the blush, eh?" he asked and poked your cheek a bit, trying to get your attention. "Papyrus..." you said angrily yet tiredly. "I'm tired..." you mumbled and he saw that you looked sad for some reason so he stopped. You both returned to look forward with empty looks. "Sorry" he apologized softly and you shook your head "nah, don't worry about it..." you said "I should apologize for being rude..." you mumbled and he chuckled "Don't worry" he said and leaned his head onto yours softly. "It's okay" he said and you now felt your heart speed up a bit but you tried to hide it which you failed at as usual "hehe, now you are blushing? Just by me leaning my head onto yours? That's cute" he said and pulled you closer to him "Such a cute little kitty" he said and kissed your head softly while you tried to hide yourself in some way. You wished you were invisible right now. "Anyways, Shouldn't we kiss?" he asked suddenly and you bolted up "W-Why?" you asked and he shrugged his shoulders with a smirk "Doesn't every human movie do that? They say things like I did then they kiss? I have seen that often..." he said and you looked down "You don't even have lips" you said and he laughed "I can try, can i?" he asked and you sighed. "I-I'm not going to kiss you...." You refused and he laughed "Are we a shy kitty now?" he asked teasingly and you literally was red as a tomato "Shut up..." you mumbled and suddenly felt a kiss on your cheek. Or it was more of bump but you knew what it meant. Your eyes widen by this and you looked up at him while he laughed softly "Did you think I would take no as an answer?" he asked and now you felt fury rise within you "PAPYRUS!" you said loudly and suddenly he disappeared. You sat there while you felt your heart beat rise while Papyrus was walking around, happy about what he did

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