HorrorTale Sans x Evil! Insane! Reader part 2

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Part two was requested by: Alice_Madison

Hope you'll enjoy!

That was delicious! You licked your lips so you got all the delicious blood to your tongue. You walked away to were you were living which was an abandoned cabin. Luckily for you it still had electricity in it for some odd reason... Welp you weren't complaining! You walked in and plopped down onto your bed. "ahhh, so soft~" you cooed and smiled big. You started to day dream a bit about the surface and how all the other monsters were in the past. It was the only thing you did actually. Everytime you got home you would plop down onto the bed  and day dream for god knows how long! You really did miss those days, huh? It was a happy time for you and everyone else. You had been living in underground ever since you were a child but you had some memories of the surface like how a sunrise looked like or how stars shone. Well you did know that you would never see those kind of things so why did you torture yourself by having day dreams that would never come true? You had no idea but you did it anyways for some strange reason. Maybe you started to like to torture yourself mentally... You really had gotten out of hand, huh? What's next being a masochist? You sighed and sat up once again, deciding to go for a little walk with your wonderful child~ You took your ax and you walked out once again. You walked in the woods for a while following a little trail which lead somewhere that you didn't know but... it was familiar for some strange reason. You shrugged the thought away and decided to move forward. After a while you saw something which made your eyes widen a little bit. You were in front of Sans station. You quickly hidden behind a tree and you mentally facepalmed yourself. How could you forget that you took this trail to meet Sans when in the past!? Suddenly you heard him walk up from his post and it seemed like he was heading you way. You sighed and waited for him, you didn't really care to run away. He have already seen you so what's the point? He appeared in front of you out of nowhere which didn't surprise you. He always did that. He smiled at you while you gave him a neutral look "Why are you here?" he asked and you shrugged your shoulders "Decided to take a walk and ended up here" you only said and he sighed "Liar" your eyebrow twitched a little bit by what he said "Says the one who promised not to leave me when we were younger" you said and he held his chest a bit "ouch, that hurt" he said sarcastically and you rolled your eyes but smirked softly "Hey, Sans wanna play a game" he looked at you and shook his head "Nah, i have heard that you play dirty" he said and you sighed "To bad" you only said "I thought you liked to play games" you said and he sighed softly "Not with you, your games involve blood, wounds and murder... i have even heard that you sometimes devour animals and sometimes even monsters when they lose" You smiled at him "Well when you say it like that it sounds bad" you said and laughed a bit. "Well it is your choice Sans and  plus your a dirty player to, ya know that right?" he shrugged his shoulder "Yup" was his only reply. "But i think you deserve a punishment" you raised an eyebrow by this and suddenly you were slammed to the ground. Sans was on top of you but you didn't do anything. "What fun will it be if you don't struggle?" he asked and you shrugged your shoulders. It seemed he didn't care because he took your arm and he started to make cuts in it with his knife. Small but they stung a lot. The knife he was using was a bit rusty too so that was even better! Your whole arm will probably be infected now. He pulled away after a while  and you grabbed your arm softly. "Heh, weird" you looked up to him "thought you would like it... or not but it seems like you just don't care, do you?" you smiled at him "guess i'm more like you after all Sansy~" you teased and he smiled at you "Guess you will always be my type" you smiled at the pun and he walked away shortly after, leaving you there probably with infected wounds.

Such a lovely girl you were in his eyes

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