Error x Neko! Reader ~Cat Virus~

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Rquested by: LPSscarlett123

Hope you'll enjoy!

You were just sitting in the void, thinking of a way to escape but you didn't came up with a single one and let's just say that it started to annoy you, just a little bit. You sighed after a while and you heard footsteps come behind you but you didn't even bother to look, you already knew who it was. You then heard him stop behind you and he did something which made you feel irritation go through your body. He tugged at your ear softly and you wiped your head at his direction. "what?" he asked and you sighed "What are you doing?" you asked and he tugged at it once again "It's not my fault... i have never seen a human like this before" he said and you rolled your eyes at him while you looked forward once again. "I'm not a human" he sat beside you and smiled a little bit wickedly "I have to disagree with that fact" he said and you looked at him "You do realize i know everything about you" he said and he smiled even more "And what a famous royal scientist did to poor little you" your eyes widen and you looked at him "What do you mean?" you asked worriedly "Well didn't Gaster do something with you? He tampered with your soul and body, didn't he? Poor little kitty" he said and he was about to continue he's sadistic little rant but he heard you whimper so he stopped and looked at you "H-Hey what are you doing?" he asked and you started feel tears fall down softly "Umm.... w-what are you doing?" he asked and he felt himself become nervous "Why are you crying? Answer me" he said and you said something which made him feel something deep within him shatter just a little bit "I-I cry b-because i hate myself b-because of my ears a-and tail..." he saw that you started to cry more and he felt himself become nervous, confused and just a little bit scared so he stopped working. You heard error noises come from him so you looked at him. He had a loading bar which was at zero but loaded quite fast and his eye sockets where filled with the word error. You smiled and laughed softly at this. He looked kind of funny! Finally when he had loaded you smiled at him "what happened?" you asked and he held his hand onto his head "Nothing" he said obviously irritated and you giggled. He looked at you and felt a warm feeling blossom inside his chest but he didn't get what it was. He sighed loudly and stood up. You looked up at him and you saw something which surprised you to no end. It was a soft, blueish color that was on his cheekbones. "Wait are you-" "WHAT" he said flustered and he looked at the ground with a little grumpy look "Awww, you are blushing!" you said and he felt irritation go through his body "I-I'm not doing blushing you bloody cat!" He said and barged away. You stood up and decided to follow him when he heard you do it he turned around. "Why are you following me?" he asked and you felt threads around your body. "What are you doing?" you asked and he sighed "I'm doing so you are staying at your place you cat" you snorted a bit and he walked away at the opposite direction. You just sat down, alone being in your own thoughts once again. It didn't seem that you couldn't even stand up so you just sat there. Error on the other side felt the same warm feeling in his chest and it felt like his soul was screaming at him to make you near him which was truly weird. He didn't like to be touched or be near people but this was something else. After a while this feeling drove him crazy. "tch!" he pulled you backwards and you didn't have the time to react. Suddenly you were back to back with him and your soul was in front of you, filled with strings. You were a little bit confused but what you didn't know is that this angry and sadistic skeleton was smiling a genuine smile.

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