Meme Lord Sans x Reader ~DANK~

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Requested by: SkilletequalsLIFE

I'm sorry if this sucks ;w; I tried my best





"What... what happened???" you were in his... head? Oh god this is REALLY confusing. All the different bright colors hurt your eyes and your eyes widen by how Sans looked. He looked so... weird? He looked like all the different things he had shown you on the internet... what were they called... memes? You wouldn't lie so you were pretty scared. You watched him fight Chara and you couldn't move because of shock. This wasn't the Sans you knew about... he was very different and honestly he looked ridiculous! But you knew even how ridiculous he looked he is still Sans. You stood up and saw that the fight got to intense so you screamed out the same thing Frisk screamed out. "DON'T KILL CHARA!" He wiped his head to your direction and you immediately felt regret fill every part of your body. He held Chara still in the air and she looked at you but with a shock filled look while Sans looked like he was about to kill you. "what?" he asked angrily. You took a deep breath "C'mon Sans... what is the reason to kill her? She will always come back" you said and she still looked at you "How do you know?" he asked and you sighed "Really now Sans? You dare to ask me something like that when you look like that?" He gave you a 'really' look and you smiled at him "And plus if you kill her then she will maybe come here again even stronger" He held the sword higher up and you took a step forward "Sans" you said sternly and you felt a little bit irritation rise within you. When he was about to do it you jumped onto him and he let go of Chara. Alphys gasped softly by this and you looked at him with a angry look "do you REALLY want to be a murderer Sans?" you asked darkly and his eyes widen. Suddenly all the colors changed "Like do you want to kill someone like the humans did in the first place? Do you REALLY want to become the real monster here?" you asked and he looked away a bit. You closed your eyes and sighed out. "guess not" you said and still heard that damn music in the background "OH GOD CAN SOMEONE TURN OF THIS DAMN MUSIC!? IT HURTS MY EARS!" you yelled out and he laughed "no can do" suddenly you were pulled out of his mind with Chara. You faceplanted first and you rubbed your face carefully "Y/N" Frisk said worriedly and you groaned "Oh god this hurts..." you mumbled and wiped your heard to Sans which showed that he was also in pain. "A-Are you okay?" you asked and he just groaned onto the ground. You looked at Alphys "did you see?" you asked and she nodded "It was like a rave party in here" she said and you nodded understandingly. You walked up to him while he rubbed his face carefully. "seems like the meme lord have awoken from his possession" you said copying his shit eating grin. He smiled and took your hand "Yup"

Oh god i couldn't come up with a good story to him like...... he's just so weird XD Welp hope this became good i guess even though it's a bit shorter than my other x readers and a little different...

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