Papyrus x Sick! Reader ~Thankful~

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Requsted by: Coolness567

Hope you'll enjoy it!

You coughed and coughed and coughed. It have become annoying as hell after a while and especially when you were close to falling asleep you coughed right when you felt sleep take over. It was annoying and especially when you couldn't even breath properly because it felt like  you didn't have nostrils anymore! You had covered yourself in blankets but were still shaking like a leaf. You sighed heavily and tried to think of something else until your head gave up on you. You moaned in annoyance and covered your eyes with your arm. After a while you heard someone knock onto your door but you decided to ignore it until it unlocked the door. You wondered who it could be because the only one who you had gave a spare key to was "Papyrus...?" he looked at you with a worried look when he saw what condition you were in. "H-Hey are you okay Y/N?" he asked and when you were about to say 'yes' you coughed once again failing the attempt to calm the worried skeleton. "So that's why you haven't answered my calls?!" he asked loudly and you cringed. He saw this and covered his mouth and whispered a small 'sorry' "But do not worry, human for i the great Papyrus shall make you feel better than you have ever felt!" he exclaimed this time a little bit quieter and you shook your head "D-Don't worry Pa-" you got interrupted by another dry cough that escaped your lips. He looked even more worried now "Don't try to lie"  he said and headed to the kitchen "I will take supreme care of you!" he said from the kitchen and you knew there were no arguing with the taller skeleton so you just rolled with it. After a while you heard him pour something watery into a pan. Was he gonna make you some soup? You asked yourself and cuddled up to the blanket a bit more. Well atleast he doesn't have to cook so much himself... He was your friend but to be honest his cooking skills was rather... bad. You sighed a little bit and closed your eyes for a bit trying to relax a little bit. After a little while Papyrus came in with a plate a spoon in the soup. You sat up a bit and the blanket fell down. You felt the cold take over so you brought it up as fast as it came down. Papyrus tilted his head at you and you saw that he got an idea. "hey human, it seems you are freezing so i can maybe feed you" You blushed a little bit but you nodded anyway. Better to be feed than feel like you are gonna freeze to death. He brought a chair from the kitchen and sat down next to you. With the spoon he stired the soup a little bit and then took a spoonful of soup. You opened your mouth and he put the spoon in careful to not burn you. It tasted delicious and he feed you the rest of the plate. After a while it was empty and you already felt a little better. You smiled and laid down once again "Thanks a bunch Paps" you said and he smiled a sweet smile "Your welcome human!" he said and his smile disappeard "Hey, i was really worried about you when you didn't answer my calls, i know that you can be busy but you always call back then..." he said and you looked at him with a little bit of guilt. "i'm sorry, Papyrus" you said and as soon as you did that he smiled and hugged you tightly

"Don't worry human, i forgive you, I'll ALWAYS forgive you!"

Oh my god, this became sweeter than i itended


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