UnderFell Sans x Scared! Reader ~Brave Love~

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   ^^^^^^^^^^^ love that picture  ^^^^^^^^^^^^

Requested by: SuperFanGirl1738

hope you'll enjoy and sorry if it's a bit sad :')

You were a very jumpy person who would jump up by the slightest of sounds. So horror movies were NOT for you. Actually underground weren't at all for you. It was quite scary down here but you in some strange way found comfort in this kind of hellish place. You have become great friends with most of the monsters but you were with Sans the most. He was very mean to you though, knowing fully well you were scared he would always and I mean ALWAYS scare the living light out of you. One time he nearly made you faint! He was really mean, rude and had a sick sense of humor. One time he asked you; how to make a clown stop smiling, you didn't know and he said the answer fast which was; you shot him in the face! You found this just a little disturbing but he laughed so much that he fell down from the chair he was sitting on. Sans was really... weird. You one day just sat at the snowy ground and you were drawing onto the snow with a stick until suddenly you felt something grab your arms roughly and someone shouting 'boo!' loudly. "EHHHHH" you shrieked and you heard the familiar laugh you knew all too well. It was Sans. He was laughing really loudly "It never gets fucking old!" he exclaimed and you looked at him, huffing softly but turned once again to your snow drawing. He saw that you acted strange because you weren't your usual scary self I guess. You usually would yell at him but you didn't. He tilted his head at you "hey, sacredly cat, why the long face?" he asked you and you still looked at the snow, refusing to look at him "none of your business" his eyes went wide for a while. He was really surprised by your sudden change in attitude. You usually were scared to talk back at people but today it didn't seem like it. "Well, well, well looks like the cat doesn't hide her tail in between her legs, why are you being so rude?" he asked and you took a deep breath "N-None of your business Sans just go away" you said back and he sighed "come on, tell me, what happened?" he said completely ignoring your request. He heard no answer from you so he sat down next to you; he looked down at your drawing which he saw you write something. Coward. He tilted his head a bit by this and then he looked at you which surprised him a lot. You had a sad look in your eyes. "hey, now you really are worrying me... I-it looks like you..." he saw some tears fall down your face "Hey! W-Why are you crying, s-stop that" he said nervously and he saw that you wrote something else. It was a question: Do you think I'm a coward? It stood but it was kind of hard to read because your hand was shaking because you were crying. "hey... C'mon stop crying now doll" he said and pated your shoulder a bit. "Everyone always said it... I was a coward because I was always scared... always on my guard... " You said and he looked at your hands that were shaking "I really am it..." you said and wiped away some tears that fell from your teary eyes. "I guess that is the reason I refuse to go to the surface? Fear of being scared..." you said once again but smiled softly "I guess you really don't care, do you?" you asked and glanced at him a bit. You felt surprise go in your body when you saw his look. It was a soft look, it was a sad look, it was a look that said he felt sorry for you... "I... I don't really think so..." he said and looked at your writing. "I think you are the complete opposite of that... I mean you are jumpy and stuff but... If you really were a coward you wouldn't dare being here now..." he said and you looked at him. He smiled goofily at you "So I think you are kind of brave, actually!" he said and you smiled softly at him. You couldn't help yourself so you hugged him. He was stiff for a moment, taking in what you were doing but hugged you back softly. "It's... okay..." he said and you both hugged each other for a while until he suddenly stopped and you looked at him "N-Now I'm not a goddamn teddy bear" he said and you saw something which made you want to squeeze him. His cheeks were a little red and he had a little grumpy look in his eyes. You giggled softly "Come on Sans! It was just a hug" you said and he looked at you a bit angry "W-What is that supposed to mean!? Do you think I am blushing?! HELL NAH!" you laughed at this and Sans felt his cheeks become even more warmer when he saw you laughing.

Damn, she really was brave to make him love her, wasn't she?


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