UnderSwap Sans x Cold hearted! Werewolf! Reader

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Requested by! @FrostyMew

Hope you'll enjoy and sorry I didn't write so much about the werewolf part... I just got so lost in the cold hearted part 😅

I listened to this while writing ^^

No one liked you because people have always thought you were mean most of the time but you never cared about them. You didn’t need no one and no one needed you. It should always be like this. The most common words you heard was “Why are you like this?” and “Why don’t you try to be nice”. People are stupid. You didn’t care about it and when people spat out mean and angry things to you like: “You shouldn’t be alive”, “You only hurt people”, “You deserve to be alone” and “I hope you never find happiness” you didn’t react. You just turned around and walked away or you said something more cruel to the person, making them fall apart and cry onto the ground.

Humans are so fragile.

Just some words can make them fall apart and cry their eyes out or make them want to kill themselves. You on the other hand didn’t care. If someone tried to break you down you just said something more cruel to them and made them make a complete fool of themself.

Humans are so stupid.

You never thought you would become like this to be honest but you became like this when one night something suddenly happened… You became what someone called a werewolf. You totally lost control and killed someone very dear to you. You didn’t decide to become like this it just… happened. You couldn't moar like a normal person so you became this cold blooded monster instead. You didn’t care anymore about people.

One day though something happened. You watched the news about it. Monster’s were free and was moving into houses around the country and of course you got new neighbours. You remembered how curious you were so you were spying through your window and saw two skeletons and a child bringing their belongings into the house. That child must be the monster ambassador they talked about in the news. You thought and scanned the house and the people closely. After some time you stopped your stalking and decided to eat something.

The next day one of the skeletons attended to your school and became a part of your class. Most of the people thought he was interesting and cute while some didn’t. You on the other hand looked at him with a dull expression in your eyes but he still smiled at you and waved. You would lie if you didn’t get surprised that he actually smiled at you. It was a long time someone did that to you.

After some time the short skeleton named Sans tried to talk to you but you only gave him short answers and didn’t bother to talk to him at all. He didn’t give up though. He often ate with you at lunch and kept you company most of the time. You heard that the classmates and even the teachers said there was no use to befriend you. Sans didn’t care though. He was convinced there was much more to this cold hearted human than what they showed. Sans had told about this human to his brother which made the older brother hate the human even if he haven’t met them personally. They were cruel to Sans. Saying mean things to him and ignored him most of the time.

Why did he try? You asked yourself and felt a little anger rise within you. It was just pure luck that you had mastered to not turn into your werewolf form when you got angry. Or else this skeleton would have been into a million of pieces by now. “Why do you try?” you said one day to him when you both sat on the green ground. Sans looked at you and smiled “Because i know there must be some kind of love in you!” he exclaimed enthusiastic and you sighed irritated. “There is no more” you said and felt your eyes change into (soul color) color. “I know there is!” he said and you ‘tsk’ed. “Even your brother hates me! He said to stay away from you” you said and looked at him with a emotionless look in your eyes. “Just stop, okay?” you said and looked down onto the ground.  Sans suddenly stood up and you looked up at him and he had a sad look in his eye sockets. Suddenly you felt your chest tighten up and you felt pity for him. Yes… you felt pityness. “Sans… i-” you stopped yourself and looked down onto the ground. Sans looked at you and smiled at you. “You want me to go?” he said sadl7 and you looked at him and said what your heart felt.

“I don’t want you to go”

Eyyyyyyyyy some pain for ya

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