Cat! Sans x Reader ~Weird~

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This would have come sooner or later =)

It was a rainy and dark night. On the good side though the stars shone brightly and beautifully. You were in your own thoughts until you heard a soft 'meow' come from an alleyway. You turned your head to the alleyway and heard it once again. You decided to follow the sound and the only thing you were greeted with were a carbon box. You took some more steps and looked down in it and saw a big cat. It looked VERY different from the other cats. It was white with blue stripes on it and it looked at you. 'meow' it meowed once again and you carried it. Huh, it wasn't really heavy. You looked if it had a name tag or something to show if someone owned him. Nothing. You sighed and you thought over if you would take him home with you. He opened his eyes and looked at you. He had this sweet but at the same time lazy look in his eyes. Your mind screamed no but your heart said yes so you decided to follow you heart. You started to carry him away while holding your umbrella softly. All the time you saw that he looked at you, or he stared at you. It was kind of creepy but he was a cat so he didn't know what he did was weird. "I wonder what I shall call you..." you pondered and suddenly a name came into your head "Sans!" you exclaimed and he looked at you, tilting his head at you "oh come on it isn't so we-" you got interrupted by him dunking his head onto your chin affectionately. "aww, your so cute" you cooed and he purred when you kissed his head softly. After some walking you both finally came into your home. "This is your new home!" you exclaimed and put him onto the floor softly. He sat down and looked around "aren't you going... you know... look around?" you asked and his response to your question where that he dropped down onto the floor on his side. You sighed softly "I knew cats where lazy but I didn't think they were THIS lazy" you said and walked into the kitchen. You opened the fridge and you looked around if you had any food that cats can eat. You looked and saw that there were some hot dogs. "This will do until I can buy some real cat food tomorrow" you said and started to cut them down into small pieces. "Sans! Food is ready" nothing. You sighed and walked to him. You saw that he was looking at you, waiting for you to pick him up. You rolled your eyes at him and picked him up. "you're so lazy" you commented but carried him to his food which he happily ate. You walked into your room to find a small hoodie you had when you were smaller. It was one of your favorites so you had kept it all this years and finally the day has come to make it useful once again. It was a blue hoodie which you could zip up but you didn't do it because it was kind of broken, opps. You took it with you and walked into the kitchen once again. He had eaten all of it and now once again he was chilling onto the floor like he was paying everything you could see in this house. You picked him up once again and he looked at you confused. You put on the hoodie on him and he jumped down from your lap. He looked at it and then at you. Seems like he likes it. You smiled at him and you yawned. "welp, I'm going to bed, good night Sans" you said and walked away to your room. You changed to your night wear and plopped down onto your bed. Just some moments later you heard something walk in and jumped onto your bed. You looked down and saw him lay down beside your legs. "come here" you said and pulled up your blanket. Now this was weird, he listened. He walked to you and crawled under the blanket with you. You took your arm around him and smiled. He licked your cheek softly "aww, good night Sans..."you said and kissed his head softly. "love you" you mumbled and cuddled your head on his.

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