UnderTale Papyrus x Depressed! Reader

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Requested by: Spiritedgeek99

Hope you'll enjoy!

How long have you been feeling this empty? It was a long time now and it felt like it wouldn'y go away soon. You have felt this emotion... or lack of emotion for quite a while. First you tried to make it go away or you were hoping it would but it didn't. You knew you weren't going to get better and it hurt, well things got a bit easier when you got some friends by your side. Mt. Ebott's rumors were true and now there were many monsters who started to live on the surface so you meet alot of them. One of them were a happy, energetic skeleton named Papyrus! He was really innocent and naive which you found cute in some way. His happines spread around you to and sometimes, just sometimes you could feel a little bit happy when he were around you. He was truly a blessing to you. Right now you both were actually in a forest in Papyrus neighbourhood and you both were taking a little walk through it while Papyrus asked what some things was. He have only been on the surface a couple of weeks so it was natrual for him to be curious a about everything. "Wovie! You know so much, human! I am quite impressed" he exclaimed happily and you couldn't help to smile at the remark he made. "Thank you, Papyrus" you simply said and you both continued with your little journy. Silence filled the air and you could sense that your tall skeleton friend was pondering over something but instead of asking him what it was you waited for him to ask you which didn't take long. "Human, can i ask you something?" he asked rather seriously and you nodded at him, forcing a small smile onto your lips. "It's something bothering you?" he asked you suddenly and you both stopped, you looking at him with a nervous look in your E/C eyes. "W-What are you talking about?" you asked nervously, trying to act cool. "You seem rather... sad for some reason and it is all the time! You remind me of my brother when we were in Underground and i just want to ask if something makes you sad" he said and you felt even more nervous while you quiestioned yourself what you were going to say. You looked down at the ground a little bit, avoiding his burning gaze. "I-I can't really explain..." you said and you looked up at him with a dull look in your eyes. "I can say that i can't feel very much and sometimes i feel really empty, you know? But most of the time i feel empty or sad..." you said and Papyrus nodded, understanding what you were saying. "So you are depressed?" he asked and you nodded quite surprised your naive friend knew what it was. "Y-You knew what it was?" you asked and he nodded, looking down with sadness filling inside his eye sockets. "My brother like i said before were having it so i know a bit about it... also i..." you looked at him and he shook his head softly, smiling at you gentely. "But human i just want to say that you are perfect just the way you are!" he said and took you in a hug which you weren't prepared at so you were stiff for a while and listened to what he said. "What you are feeling or the lack of your feeling is not foreve, i assure you! So just hold on and if anything is bothering you just call me and i'll be right here for you!" he said and you couldn't help to feel happy when those words left him so you hugged him back tightly while some tears fell from your eyes. "T-Thank you..." you said and he hugged you back tightly smiling a soft smile down at you.

"Your welcome my human"

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