Underswap Sans x Outgoing! Reader ~Yin and Yin~

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Requested by: Pennysweetkiss

Hope you'll enjoy it!

Sans and you were outgoing people who liked to spend time with each other. When you both were with each other time always went by fast. He was a sweet and happy skeleton and you could never get enough being with him. You both had met each other in underground a while back and you both clicked very fast with each other. You both talked with each other about puzzles the first time you both meet. So after a while he wanted you to stay here so the queen wouldn't kill you. Papyrus agreed with that fact because he liked you to. So you settled yourself in a little house near Sans and Papyrus house. It was little but it was comfy and a soothing house if you would call it that. Sometimes though it would get a little lonely but Sans was always there for you when that happened. Like I said, he was a happy skeleton and a very kid one to. Right now you and Sans was in your house, just talking and enjoying each other company but he saw that there was something wrong. You weren't your happy outgoing self so he tilted his head a bit at you "Are you okay?" he asked out of nowhere and you stiffened a bit at his question. "I'm fine Sans" you said and narrowed your eyes. You didn't want to lie to him but you didn't want to make him sad either. "I see something's wrong human, you don't act like yourself" he said and you narrowed your eyes back at him "I promise you Sans, there is nothing wrong with me" you said and he stood up. You tilted your head a little bit until he cupped your face with his hands. He squeezed your cheeks a little bit and you couldn't help to giggle at the action which made him smile "See there's my Y/N" he said with a big smile on his features. You blushed a little bit at his remark and he let go of your face. "So, if you want to tell me you can always say it later" he said and you nodded. "So Y/N can I ask you something?" he asked and you nodded with a smile on your lips "Sure, what is it?" you asked and he looked away a bit trying to find the right words. "I just wondered how the surface is" he asked and you smiled brightly "Well there many people and buildings everywhere! Same with trees and there is REALLY big lakes and sometimes there is small lakes! But they are REALLY pretty to! Oh and the stars shines REALLY brightly to! It's super pretty and-" you stopped your hyper rant midsentence when you saw that Sans looked kind of sad and you realized that you started to talk about stars to him "O-Oh I'm really sorry Sans i-" he waved his hands in front of himself "N-No! It's okay I really love it when you talk about the surface and... stars" he said and looked down a little bit, you felt your heart ache a bit. "Hey... Sans" you said and he looked up at you "I... I'll make you see the stars" you said and his eyes widen a bit but he shook his head a bit "No, you don't need to because..." he smiled sweetly at you "I see you every day" your eyes widen a bit and you thought your heart would burst out of your chest but luckily it didn't. "S-Sans..." you mumbled a bit and you gripped your chest a little bit. You really did love him, huh? He stood up and gave you a small peck on your forehead "I really like making you like this because it's cute to make someone like you react this way" he said and he skipped away to your kitchen

Damn him and his cute charms.

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