UnderFell Sans x Childish! Reader

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HeS tO pUrE!!11

Requested by: RchlCha5654

Hope you'll enjoy!

You didn't act your age at all. It's just something that you liked because you still had your childhood happiness inside your soul and nothing could take away  that. Well some people wanted you to act like you were your age but you didn't care about them so you didn't really have many friends in underground except for the skeleton brothers. They were kind of... nice? I guess? Papyrus usually scolded you because you didn't take things seriously while Sans acted like he hated your attitude but he actually liked it quite much but as we know Sans doesn't like to admit such things. He liked it because you could still be happy in such a dark place and when you were happy the happiness got to him to because he really liked you. Papyrus usually asked Sans why he had fallen for such a childish and naive person but Sans always said the same thing. You were precious because you were naive. He had very deep feelings for you which he didn't even know that he could feel. If you came to close to him he could feel his soul flutter and it felt like it would explode due to happiness and excitement. How he could feel such feeling in this place is still a mystery. Well onto the story! You two were actually in his room  just taking it easy and talking about different things until "bop" You poked his forehead and he only looked at you with no emotion in his eyes "Really Y/N?" You only giggled at this "bop!" suddenly he booped you to on the nose "bop" you blinked  at this. You often did this to Sans because he usually had the same reaction and it was funny! You did this when you both were in a deep conversation. "Hey you are not allowed to bop me!" you exclaimed and he chuckled by this "So you are the only one?" he asked and you nodded "yes!" you said childishly and he laughed more "damn, your so cute" he said and suddenly silence filled the air. Your eyes widen and he only looked at you "hm?" you looked down and he saw that you blushed softly "awww~ Isn't that precious" he said "your blushing" you puffed your cheeks at him "N-No i don't!" you exclaimed and you crossed  your arms over your chest. "Okay, then Papyrus isn't the bossiest monster in underground" you looked down once again and he patted your head softly "eh, don't worry doll" he said and you looked up at him while he still had his hand softly placed on his head "Nothing to be ashamed about" he grinned softly at you and you returned the smile. He took away his hand and he placed them onto the bed "So... i'm cute?" you asked suddenly and played with your hands shyly. He looked at you "Yeah, you are really cute and adorable of course" you looked down and he came closer to you. "bop" he boped your lips softly and you looked up at him "H-Hu-" suddenly you felt him kiss you softly onto your lips and your eyes widen by what he did. After a while you closed your eyes and returned the kiss with as much love as he gave. Some moments later you both had to stop and you looked down once again "I-I said i am the only one who's allowed to bop someone..." you mumbled and he laughed softly by this "Well, i boped somewhere else" he said and kissed your head softly "I love you" you said and he looked down at you while he hugged you

"Love you to, kiddo"

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