UnderFell Sans x Depressed! Reader

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Requested by: Kultasusi

Hope you’ll enjoy and happy birthday!

You have been feeling this way for a long time now and no one seemed to care either so you suffered alone but you didn’t really care. You didn’t care about anything, really. It was hard to care about things when no one really cared about you. You weren’t surprised though because you lived in the Underground. You knew no one really cared about anyone down here but you wanted deep down inside you that they still were nice and could feel love.

Well, maybe or maybe not. You didn’t think about it that much because you didn’t want to get your hopes up about people being nice and happy. You have already been let down a couple of times and you didn’t want to be it again. You had actually climbed this mountain becuase you have heard that no one came back. That is what you exactly wanted. You wanted to dissapear from the face of the earth and you did that but not at the same time.

You entered Underground which was filled with monsters and they were quite mean but always got surprised when they saw that you didn’t really care about their comments. They wanted to bring you to the king but something told them that they shouldn’t. You shrugged everytime they said that they wanted to keep you alive. You always thought that they should just get it over with. You would dissapear and they would exit this sadening Underground. It was a win, win.

But there was someone who made you feel a little better. It was a monster but he wasn’t as cruel as the other ones. He was cruel to most people but to you he was very gentle and nice. When he saw you laying in your bed, crying your eyes out he always came and stayed by your side. He didn’t care about how long you cried he was still by your side, holding you close to him. Even some days when you didn’t feel anything he always came to and tried his best to make you laugh and he also spoiled you, making food, cuddeling you and just things you wished people on the suface did to you.

He was nice and sweet to you but to others he was cruel. Espacially when they talked about you, or that is what you have heard from his younger but taller brother. Today was no other then you birthday but you didn’t care. It was the day you were born but you thought that it was nothing special.

You were laying down onto the sofa, feeling nothing and you were just staring at the TV. You thought about surfing on the web with your phone and just when you got that thought it started to vibrate on your table. You reached out and looked at the message you got. It was Sans who had sent you something.

Sans: hey, hows it going?

You: good, just feeling a little down today

Sans: You want me to come over?

You: no, you don’t have to

Sans: I’m coming over anyways, see ya!

You sighed out in a little bit of frustation and some minutes you heard someone come onto your porch so you turned your head to the direction of the door. Suddenly you heard a key being put in the keyhole and twisted. Sans opened the door and closed it after himself. He looked at you with a straight face but walked over to you so you sat up and he sat beside you.

Without a single word he pulled out something from his pocket and your eyes widen a little bit. It was small, packaced box which was black and had a small red bowtie on it. You looked at Sans and saw his cheeks change color slightly and he had narrowed his eyes to the ground. “here i want you to have it…” he explianed and you nodded. You took the small gift and opened it carefully. You opened it and was greeted with a necklace which had a red heart and with a black chain to it. It was simple but it looked like someone had worked really hard on it. The heart itself was very smooth and was made out of glass. “I made it myself…” he added and you looked at him with surprise filling your eyes.

Finally when he got the courage he looked up and saw your eyes being filled with a watery liquid which fell down from your eyes. You took your arms around him and he smiled softly at you. “Hey, don’t cry” he said nervously but couldn’t help to smile. He knew you were happy so he figured it was okay for you to cry if you were happy.

“happy birthday, sweetheart”

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