Underswap Brothers! skelebros x Adopted! Reader ~Precious~

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You were adopted by the skelebros and you have lived with them for a while now. It was never a calm time when you were living with them. Well the one who made it not calm most of the time was Sans with his hyper attitude and just him being himself. You on the other hand were kind of a little mix of both of the brothers. You were lazy but worked hard on things you really love. You were calm but could be hyper just as Sans sometimes. That's why Papyrus had stashed away everything that involved sugar from both of you. He knew you both were sensitive to those things. But in a weird way you had a high alcohol influence. One time you had drank a whole vodka bottle and you acted just fine. This surprised Papyrus a lot. Right now you were just cleaning around the house because it was filthy! You vacuumed, dusted the shelves and cleaned the windows but you didn't do it very well... You were tired but Sans had said to you to do it so you agreed. What? You couldn't make him sad by saying no! And especially when he brings up the puppy dog eyes. Damn him and his cuteness. You decided to take a little break because both of them weren't coming home for a while and you had cleaned most of the house. You laid onto the sofa and covered your eyes. You sighed softly and started to think of the surface. You had as you would call it 'empty memories' which means that you can't see them very well expect for pictures. You had some memories with a big house with other kids in it. You remember that the kids in there weren't nice... Your smile disappeared into a frown. You had nightmares of that house and those kids. You didn't know if it was memories or dreams but it didn't matter. They were scary and you wished that they would just stop. You sighed softly and decided to clean the rest, better to think of something else than stupid nightmares. You cleaned the rest of the house and when you were done the brothers came home just in time. You turned around and was glomped by the smaller skeleton, you fell to the floor with a bump and you looked down at him "Well hello to you to Sans" you said and he looked at you with a grin. You rubbed his head a bit and looked at Papyrus which was leaning against the wall "Welcome home" you said to him and he smiled softly at you. "ah! Right, I haven't made dinner..." you said and Sans jumped up and made a pose. You sat up and tilted your head at im "Don't worry N/N! (nick name) I, The magnificent Sans have already planned dinner!" he exclaimed and you clapped your hands "And the hero saves us once again!" you said and he smiled at you. "of course! Now you both relax while I will make us dinner" he exclaimed and ran into the kitchen. You looked at the kitchen and smiled. You saw a hand reach out to you and you took it gently. Papyrus pulled you up and you both sat down onto the sofa. "So, everything went well?" you asked and Papyrus nodded and narrowed his pupils at you "Yup, The queen agrees that you can stay here, But she was mad that we hadn't told her about it all those years ago..." he said and sighed "Well, everything's okay now?" you asked and he nodded. He saw that you were still nervous so he petted your head softly and you looked at him "Don't worry about it and plus if it would come to it we wouldn't let her take you away from us" you nodded and he smiled at you lazily "So, Lighten up sis, everything's fine now" he said and you nodded with a smile. After a while Sans announced that dinner was ready so you both headed to the kitchen. You weren't surprised of what you found on the table. Tacos. You felt that you drool a little bit so you were the first one who digged in. After when dinner was over you all went to bed. It was a tiring day for all of you. You laid onto the bed and felt sleep take over faster than it did normally. You shrugged it off and fell asleep but not for long. You had another nightmare, about the same house and the same kids but this time when the scene was over you immediately fell into another scene. It was your house. You looked around and saw that no one was home so you decided to walk out. No one was outside either and you walked around. You walked to the east side of snowdin and your eyes widen. Sans scarf with dust. You felt panic rise within you and you walked to it slowly and when you were about to take the scarf you got thrown into another scene. It was the hall just before you get into the queens castle. You once again saw something familiar. It was Papyrus hoodie with dust onto it to and you couldn't help to cry.

it is your fault

You heard a voice say and you wiped your head around

If you just had given your soul away, this wouldn't have happened

You felt guilt rise within you

Do you REALLY think that they loved you? How could they love you? You only stand in the way!

Do you not realize?


You woke up with a scream and sat up on the bed while you clutched your chest. You felt that tears streamed down your face. After a few moments you heard footsteps come your way and your door opening. "Y/N!?" a voice said and you recognized the worried voice. It was Papyrus. "Hey, hey, hey, hey, take it easy" he said and sat in front of you while you looked down. He hugged you softly and you took your arms around him tightly and Papyrus tried to hide the fact that you hurt him a little bit. "Take it easy Y/N It was just a dream, it's okay, your okay" he said and after some moments you heard other footsteps and another weight come onto the bed behind you. You felt arms wrap around you softly and a head leaning onto your back. You let one hand go from Papyrus and you lead your hand onto Sans hand. He grabbed it and held your hand while he was squeezing it softly. Papyrus had his arms around your neck now and you felt yourself calm down. "Everything's okay now" you heard Sans say softly and you nodded. You let go off them and wiped away the tears that was left on your face. Papyrus looked worriedly at you and you read his eyes "I... I don't want to talk about it..." you said and he nodded understandingly. Sans still held you hand and you turned to him. You saw that he was scared so you took your arm behind him and half hugged him. "i'm sorry i worried you Sans..." you mumbled and Papyrus leaned his head onto your shoulder. You took your other hand onto his head and petted his head softly. "I'm sorry i worried you to Papyrus..." you mumbled to him. You three sat like that for a while until you decided that you three could sleep in the same bed. You were in between them of course and you faced Papyrus while Sans had his arm around you. Papyrus had his arms around you to and buried his face onto your hair.

"We love you"

You smiled softly when you heard them say those words. You closed your eyes and felt calmness go through your body.


this became longer than expected


sorry (not sorry XD) 

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