Sans x Overprotective! Dog! Reader part 2 ~Love you~

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Second part requested by: Tailbolt

Hope you'll enjoy!

Some days later after the incident he have seen that you have been acting really strange. You even refused to go outside sometimes! He have had to drag you outside or else you would only been inside. You have even howled and whimpered when he would go to work like you were begging him to not go so he have had to bring you to work. Which wasn't so bad if you didn't growl at everyone who walked past them. He have thought to bring you to the animal hospital (Sorry don't know what they are called XD) but Alphys told him that there was nothing wrong with you when he gave you to her first. He sighed softly and looked down at you. You were laying onto the snow but you didn't sleep, you had your eyes locked forward and he sighed. He even had to put a leach on you which he didn't like. He hated leaches because he thought they looked uncomfortable on you but you had to wear it now or you would attack anyone that came to close. He looked forward once again trying to think of something else than your strange behavior. Until someone walked up to him. It was that strange person again! And when you spotted him all hell broke lose. You started to bark and the person backed away. "Hey Y/N knock it of!" Sans yelled and flicked your nose once again while he made you lay down. He looked at the person and saw that they were... smiling!? What the hell?! "Hey, why are you smirking so much?" Sans pointed out angrily and the person only chuckled "Well, i guess that she doesn't really like me huh?" You still barked loudly and aggressively while you tried to rip of the leach but it wouldn't budge. "no, it seems like it, who the hell are you anyways?" Sans asked and the  person chuckled more "I'm their previous owner of course" they said and Sans eye sockets widen. "Wait you are the person who left her alone in the cold that day?" Sans asked angrily and with one motion the person made you whimper softly. He only lifted his hand and saw how you reacted "What the hell did you do to her?" Sans asked once again and couldn't help that his eyes glowed a bit. The person only chuckled "I only disciplined her" Sans stood up when you calmed down "By beating the living shit out of her?" Sans asked and walked up to the person "It's only a dog" he said "And you are only a random guy who stands in my way" Sans said rather darkly and the person looked a bit startled "If you don't leave i will make sure that they will NEVER find your body and don't you dare show yourself to us again" Sans said and the person walked away with not another word. He looked a little bit scared to be honest. Sans felt more anger but it was replaced with concern when he heard you whimper. He looked at you and saw that you had a sad look in your eyes so he took away the leach from you and you jumped onto him. You licked him all over the face and he laughed softly by this. "Hey, buddy it's okay!" Sans said and once again he felt that you laid your head on his stomach, looking at him with a sad look "It's okay, i won't let that idiot hurt you again" Sans said and kissed your head softly "I promise you with all my soul" 

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