SwapFell Sans x Suicidal! Reader ~You Dummy~

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Requested by: Angel_The_cheetah

How annoying. You were laying in your bed, trying to sleep but you only felt more tears fall down your face. You simply wanted to die. No sugar coat. You just wanted to die, right there and right now. You just wanted to disappear but you couldn't. The thought about death scared you a little because you weren't sure if heaven was real or hell was real but at the same time you didn't care, if you would just disappear from this pain it would feel a lot better

Suddenly you heard someone open your door so you looked up from your covers and saw a familiar shadow entering your door quietly. You sat up straight, knowing fully well the short skeleton have heard your quiet sobbing. How he did you had no idea. You only looked at him quietly approaching you and you tried to read his expression but it was emotionless. 

He sat down onto the bed and only looked at you. "What has happened?" he asked straightforward and you looked down onto your bed, trying to figure out the words you wanted to say. "I..." you trailed off and for once you didn't hear the short skeleton tell you rudely to 'speak up' he simply waited for you to find the words you wanted to say to him. You decided to just be straightforward as you were in your thoughts previously.

"I want to die"

You simply said, no sugar coating it you just said it. You looked up a little and saw his expression didn't change but you saw he was hurt in some way. The short skeleton didn't say anything because he knew that he wasn't good with words at all so he simply looked down, trying to find out what he should do. You wanted to die... How you said it made him sad and he himself felt remorse for you. You in his eyes were amazing and you had accepted him for who he was, you also helped him a lot with work and you tried to help him cope with his feelings to. Suddenly you saw something escape his eye which made your eyes widen in surprise. 

Sans was crying.

You tried to hug him but before you even came close to him he hugged you instead making your surprise even bigger. He buried his face onto your neck and he cried onto you softly. You heard him whimper and you felt his warm tears fall trail down your neck, making you feel sad for him. "Sans...?" you asked and you felt your own tears fall down. "Y-You are so stupid" he said and held you closer to him. "Y-You aren't allowed to feel like t-this" he whimpered out and you nodded. "I'm sorry..." you mumbled out. "I know i'm stupid" you said and he suddenly stopped hugging you. "I mean you are stupid for even thinking this..." he said and sniffed a little bit. "Your death won't make anyone happy, not even you, don't you understand that?" he said and you looked down. 

"You don't understand how much i care about you". He said and you once again felt surprise fill your body. "Y-You always have tried to make me happy and that's why you are stupid!" he exclaimed and you only sat there, listening on Sans. "You should care about yourself!" he said and wiped away his tears softly and he hugged you once again but this time it was a warm and a tender hug, making you melt into it softly and carefully. You automatically took your arms around his small frame and you buried your face into the crook of his neck, closing your eyes. "Thank you" you said and he pulled you even closer to him, afraid if he would stop holding you, You would break into a million pieces.

"Your welcome, dummy"

And what rimes with dummy???? 


(does that even rime? IDFC)

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