Error x Reader ~Glitchy Love~

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You were somewhere that you didn't know. You were a glitch, you were not supposed to be here, There was always the same human in all the different universes, there were ALWAYS same people in the universes so WHY were you here? And right now you were kidnapped, great. It was a Sans that had kidnapped you actually, well not the Sans you used to know. It was a weird Sans that had error signs floating around him. His voice glitched when he talked and he didn't like to be touched. You have tried to reason with him, saying that you didn't belong here which he truly believed in. He knew you were a glitch, just an error. You were actually happy that he knew you were it because when you tried to tell it to your Sans he just shrugged it off (You can chose which AU your Sans comes from) and told you that it wasn't true. Actually you saw yourself in him in a weird way that you can't explain but it felt nice to feel that feeling that you could relate to someone. Right now he was looking at 'your' universe which was hard for you. Even if you weren't supposed to be there you loved that place with all your heart, You loved every monster there and of course the human, even if you knew how didrty their hands really was. Oh yeah, You knew about the timelines to, and of course the RESETS. You were a glitch so the universe maybe forgot to make you forget. It didn't really matter, everything happens for a reason. You stood up and walked up to Error and looked with him. "I thought you wanted to destroy that AU" You said and sat down next to him. He only 'tsk'ed and still looked at it "I'm saving the best for last" He said and you couldn't help to get a shiver down your spine. Even if you live with him for an eternity you will NEVER get used to his voice. You sighed and sat your hands onto the floor so you could lean back a bit. "hmm... Well if i were you i would get there before i'll get there" You said and he looked at your for a moment and then started to laugh loudly "You think you can escape from here? Without MY help?" He asked and you looked at him with seriousness in your eyes "I'm not the only one who is an error here, Error" You said and he stopped laughing and smirked at you "Well perhaps that is true, You still aren't strong enough, If you were you should already be gone" You looked forward once again but smiled a little "Maybe i feel bad for you?" You said and his eyes widen by chock. "Feel bad for me?" He asked and he looked forward to "Sure, Of course you feel bad for me, i ONLY have destroyed a couple of AU'S" he said sacastically and you looked at the ground a bit "But you are still a Sans..." You mumbled but he heard you "What do you mean?" he asked and you looked at him once again "The Sans i know and all the San's that you have shown me are nice, Some shows it clearly while others dosen't, Some think they'll never find happines while others believe in that they will. But every Sans care about someone and every Sans has suffered" You said and he looked at you with what you would call sadness or... you didn't really know. It's hard to see the emotions in his eyes. "So... you believe there is still hope for me?" he asked and you nodded "Of course! As long as you are breathing there is ALWAYS still hope" You said and smiled a soft smile to him. He blinked a couple of times and then he sighed "You really are the weirdest glitch i have seen, and that says alot"

I don't know if i did his personality right... Welp i tried and i'm proud ^J^

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