DustTale Sans x Reader

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Requested by: Minkki2004 

Hope you'll enjoy!

You had fallen down and let's just say it wasn't what you had been expecting but then again you didn't know what you expected either. It was so empty... it was quite horrifying and especially when it looked like someone has lived here but now it was empty and it was a lot of dust everywhere. That was kind of strange but maybe it was because it was old. Anyways you opened the big gates and you were revealed to a cold and chilly shiver go through your spine but you walked out anyways. You walked for a while and decided to sit down on what you guessed were a station. You sighed out softly and suddenly you heard someone behind you so you turned around quickly but you only saw someone walk behind a tree. You felt yourself get scared and your adrenaline kick in. You looked to your side and saw there was a big branch to your side so without hesitation you took it and you walked to the tree slowly and carefully while you felt your heart beat faster. When you were finally there you got pinned down and you swung the branch and you hit the mysterious person right in the head. "Ow ow ow ow ow" you could hear the person mumble. You sat up and saw that the person grabbed their head and you didn't see anything weird with them so you walked up to them. "O-Oh, I'm so so-" when the person looked up you could swear you felt your heartbeat stop. He was a skeleton with purple eyes which was red around them. You backed away slowly and you heard him chuckle "What's the matter, kiddo looks like you have seen a monster or is that how it goes? Don't remember" he said and you didn't answer his question you just crawled back until you hit a tree. Ypu flinched softly and when you were about to stand up the short skeleton teleported in front of you, trapping you so you couldn't escape "And don't you know how to great someone? You should shake my hand" he said and took out his boney hand, gesturing for you to shake it. You hesitantly and shakily took your hand in his and you both shook them. "heh, my name is Sans by the way" he said and you nodded softly, trying to adjust to the skeleton in front of you which didn't work out. "What's your name?" he asked and pulled his hood up more. "Y-Y/N" you said shakily and he chuckled even more "Why so scared?" he asked and you gulped a bit "Y-You are the only one here..." you mumbled out and he laughed a bit "You seem smart" he said but still didn't move from the spot he was on which was in front of you, leaning forward a bit so you could clearly see you couldn't escape. "Well, your suspicion is true" he said and smiled more to you while he revealed more of his face which was covered in a bit of dust "I killed them" he said "W-Who?" you asked and he laughed more "The other monsters of course!" he exclaimed like it was obvious. "And you are free EXP" he said and stabbed your arm but not roughly. "O-Ouch..." you cried out and he laughed a bit "Awww, you are actually cute like this " He cooed and he started to gouge your arm a bit which made some tears fall down your face. "To bad I have to kill you" he said darkly and pulled out his knife.

"So let us get this done with, human"

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