Ink x Shy! Reader ~Quiet Artist~

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Requested by: MooKoo_Draws

You always have been shy around people so it was no surprise you where shy around monsters to. It was something you have always been and will be. He didn't really get bothered by your shyness like other people did. He didn't get irritated when you stuttered and he didn't get angry when you didn't talk loud. He liked you just the way you where. When Ink saw you the first time he saw that you got a bit scared of him but he got it. You have been surrounded by humans all your life and now a skeleton was right in front of you! In your world it wouldn't make sense but after a while he got that you didn't only fear him but you where shy. When you both have spent time with each other you both got a bit relaxed. You both often liked to draw with each other or it was mostly Ink that drew and you where watching. You where to shy to draw in front of him so he asked if he could at least see what you where drawing but you always shook your head with a blush on your cheeks. He liked when you blushed because you looked really cute like that. Right now you sat beside him on a coach watching him draw a butterfly. It wings where S/C color and with that it had small hearts on it's wings. It was truly a beautiful picture and you said it to him also. He always blushed a little bit when you complimented his work. When the butterfly where done he made it real in some way. He snapped his fingers and it came from the paper. This was your first time seeing him do it so you got a little surprised. He smiled at you and you both looked at it flap it's wings and after some seconds it flew to your direction. It sat over your ear now and it didn't show any sign to fly away either. Ink's cheeks started to get that familiar warmth he knew all to well about. He really did have feelings for you and he thought you looked beautiful like this. You had a curious look in your eyes and you looked at Ink.  "H-he won't g-go away..." you said quietly and he just smiled "Don't worry about it! It will fly away eventually" he said and you nodded. You noticed that he stared at you so you looked down a bit "D-Does it l-look weird?" you asked and he shook his head as he waved his arm in front of him. "N-No! It's just you look really..." he murmured the last part and you looked at him worried "W-What was that...?" you asked and he took a deep breath "Y-You look really pretty with him like that..." You blushed a scarlet red and looked away embarrassed. "Y-You really t-think so...?" you asked and he nodded. "I-I mean you always look pretty..." he said and smiled a dorky smile. You smiled back at him nervously. "T-Thank you I-Ink..." you said unusually quiet and he couldn't help himself. He hugged you tightly and the butterfly flew away because it got scared "Ahhh! Your so cute~" he coed and rubbed his cheek against yours which made you even more embarrassed. "I just want to kiss you right now!" You blushed even more when he said that and you hid your face. He stopped and looked at you. He took away your hands from your face and saw that you looked like a tomato. "You can't do this to me..." he mumbled and got closer to your face "You don't know that you have me wrapped around your finger..." After he said that you felt him kiss you. It was a soft kiss and you melted in it fast. He pulled you closer to him and you took your hands on his shoulders. After a while you both pulled away and he made you cuddle up against him. He buried his face into your hair. "I love you.." he mumbled and you smiled "I love you to..." 

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