UnderFell Sans x Fox! Reader

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Requested by: Fox-Flames

Hope you’ll enjoy!

You have been in underground all your life, living in waterfalls away from most of people. You also were in the royal guard so you were quite skilled in fighting and self defense. People often didn’t want to mess with you because some people have seen you fight and get angry which they didn’t want to be the last thing they see.

You patrolled in Waterfalls and sometimes in Snowdin. You never got used to the cold in Snowdin though so you didn’t like to work there but the company wasn’t so bad though. You were friends with a short skeleton which was a sentry called Sans and his younger brother which was before the head of the royal guard called Papyrus. You often were with Sans though when you both patrolled or you just hanged around his station.

Today you were going to patroll in Snowdin so you woke up early, putting on your outfit, fixng your face and hair while of coruse you brushed your fox tail softly so it wouldn’t look so fluffy. You were half fox and half human. People in Underground grew suspcious over that you looked so much like a human but it died down when you showed them your magic and your soul.

You walked out of your house and slowly walked to the direction of Snowdin, feeling a chill go down your spine when you were just thinking about how cold you were going to be today. You felt a slight winter breeze go through your hair and fly onto your face which made a shiver go through you. You walked through the small town and glanced at the people who was hanging around. They often were quite rude to you because some people still thought of you as a human so you always had your eyes on the them when you walked through.

You sighed out softly when you had finally arrived at Sans station and you felt even more relived when you saw him sleeping peacefully on the counter. He could be so lazy… You walked over to him and stood in front of the station with a small smirk on your cold lips. You took a deep breath and yelled “PAPYRUS IS COMING!” you now saw a fully awake Sans which was looking around him despretely, hoping that his brother was not there. When he didn’t see him he sighed out and shot a death glare at you. You only giggled at the angry skeleton.

“Goodmorning sleeping beauty~” you cooed and he rolled his eyes. “What are you doing here, doll?” he asked and you sat onto the counter and he looked up at you. “I’m supposed to work around here” you simply said and he nodded. “So you had to scream in my face to wake me up?” he asked and you nodded. “It’s payback” you simply said while your tail was swinging side to side beside him. His eyes followed it’s movement and he now also had the same smirk you had for some minutes ago.

Without warning you felt a tug on your tail and he had pulled you down onto the ground beside him. You fell onto your butt and then heard a haunting laugh of a certain someone. You looked up with your eye twitching at the mocking laughter coming  from the red eyed skeleton. “What are you doing down there babe?” he asked and you couldn’t help the small blush covering your cheeks when he called you that. No one reffered you to that, ever. “Awww~ Looks like someone is shy~” he cooed and you looked down onto the snow. “Shut up…” you mumbled and he only laughed. “Come on doll, look at me” you rolled your eyes and looked up at him. Suddenly you felt a slight bump on your soft lips and you blushed more red than a tomato. He dosen’t have lips but the fact that he did something like this, which looked like a kiss made you feel all bubbly on the inside. You pulled away and covered your lips with your hand while you looked away. The short skeleton only laughed at your behaviour.

“That’s your payback for stelling my heart”

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