Underfell Sans x Reader ~Trust~

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You had lived with Papyrus and Sans ever since you had fallen down here. Papyrus in some way accepted that you could stay with them which Sans got really suprised about. You on the other hand were happy, You liked both of them but they usually didn't show their affection to you but it didn't matter. You knew they cared about you and that was the only thing that mattered. You had trained with Papyrus to so you were a skilled fighter. He wanted you to be strong so Sans and he didn't need to protect you all the time. He of course wanted you to kill to but you always refused, you didn't want to hurt anyone but he pushed you all the time which made you a bit mad. You always kept your cool but some days were harder then others. Right now you were sitting on a brench near the ruins. You looked after a human but you felt sleep take over your body. You laid down on the brench and leaned against the hard but comfortable tree. You were just about to fall asleep untill "Hey Doll face!" You heard a dark but familiar voice yell at you. You looked down and saw Sans look up at you with a smirk on his face "Don't you know that you shouldn't slack off at work?" You rolled your eyes and sighed a loud sigh "Like you don't do it all the time" you said back and he put his hands in his pockets. "Well i atleast try to do it discretely" He contured back (It's a pokemon fight XD) and you sighed loudly "Shut up Sans" You said with a hint of iritation in your voice. You were not in the mood for him right now. "sounds like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed" That's it. You jumped down right on him so you pinned him down onto the soft cold snow while you looked at him with a angry look. "Can you just shut the hell up Sans and let me sleep?" You said with a angry tone to your voice. His eyes were winded for a moment but he started to laugh out of no where. "A-Are you trying to scare me, doll?" He laughed more and now your face was as red as a tomato due to you being angry "Your WAY to cute to be scary!" Your eyes winded when those words came out from his mouth and your anger was repclaed with shock. It seemed that he didn't realize what he had said or he didn't care. You got off him slowly and you climbed up the tree once again and once again sat on the brench. He looked at you when he noticed you were gone "Eh? Doll?" he sat upp and let his chin lean on his hand while he sat criss crosed and his elbow was firmly placed on his leg. "Did i embarrasses you?" He asked you teasingly and you flipped him off. "Ouch, that hurted my non existend heart" he said sarcastically and you turned away from him. He stood up and out of no where he sat next to you. You got suprised by this and nearly fell over but Sans held you by your waist and helpt you sit straight. You blushed even more and murmured a small 'thank you'while he laughed even more. "You really are a funny human" You looked at him and raised an eyebrow at him. "I mean you agreed to live with monsters and you litearlly have turned your back against humans because you are kind of hunting humans right now" You looked infront of you and slowly let those words sink in. He was right. You have turned your back against your own kind. But it didn't really bother you as much as you thought it would. He sighed a bit and took his arm around you while he made you lean your head on his shoulder. The action made you stiff but you soon relaxed when he took his fingers through your hair and it made your eyes heavy "If ya want to sleep then sleep, I'll take your post" He said and you nodded while your drifted off to sleep. He smiled down at you and leaned his head on yours "But i'm happy you turned your back against them because if you didn't i wouldn't have meet you" He said surpinsigly soft and he smiled when he saw the snow fall from the supposedly sky. 

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