UnderSwap Papyrus x Neko! Reader ~Don't hide~

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Requested by: Pennysweetkiss

Hope you'll enjoy it and sorry for taking so long! :')

You always hide your ears at all times and same with your tail so you always stood away from the crowd. It was sometimes annoying though because people would mistake you for a human. Well it wouldn't be a issue for you if you weren't bullied for it when you were younger. You remember that they usually said bad words to you, they always gave you dirty looks and they always talked about you behind your back so one day you decided to hide them away forever. You hated them and you were learned that they were a flaw. One day though Sans wanted you to have a sleep over and you said yes on one condition, If you would have a separate room which you both agreed on. The same day you all three was just spending your time with each other. It felt nice to talk with someone for a change. You never had the chance to talk to people so often because you lived in waterfall away from people but sadly night came fast and you all three decided to head to your beds. You went to your room and started to change your clothes to nightwear. Just a big night dress with a hole on the back so your tail could pop up. The only time of the day you would reveal your tail and ears was on the night because no one came in then AND it hurt to hide them for a long day. You laid down softly onto the bed your eyes twitched a bit when you heard sounds come from downstairs. It sounded like someone took a night snack. You shrugged the thought away and pulled the covers closer to you. Your tail popped out from the covers a little bit and a soft but relaxing smile was resting onto your lips when you felt sleep take over your body. Papyrus on the other hand couldn't sleep like usual so he wanted to listen to some music and maybe browse the internet for a while. The only problem was that he couldn't find his head phones so he searched the whole house until he figured out that he left them in the room you were sleeping because he had listened to music when he cleaned a little bit. Sans forced him to do it so he did it. He walked up to your room and knocked one time. No answer. He figured that you were sleeping so he opened the door quietly and walked in softly. He scanned around the room until he saw your sleeping figure and his eye sockets widen. "She has... cat ears?" he asked and forgot completely about his head phones. He walked up to you and bended his legs a bit so he was face to face with you. He felt the temptation to touch them and he couldn't fight it. He touched them softly and you made a cute noise so he squeezed them a bit and you cuddled closer to the bed and buried your face into the covers. "oh god your so cute..." he mumbled and squeezed them once again which made you turn around and he saw your tail. He felt as a kid on Christmas when he saw it and he pulled it just a little bit and you turned around. You opened your eyes and he mentally said 'fuck' in his head. "Who the hell keeps pulling them?" you asked tiredly but froze in your tracks when you saw Papyrus with widen eyes like he was surprised to see you awake but instead of you screaming at him you felt tears come, you sat up and covered yourself with the blanket. Papyrus got surprised by this even more "H-Hey, what is it?" he asked and he heard you sniff a bit "Y-You hate them, r-right?" you asked and you started to cry more. "Why do think like that?" he asked and sat up on the bed with you. "B-Because e-everyone in s-school did..." you said and he felt a bit sorry for you so he hugged you from the back and you felt his arms wrap around your waist softly "I don't, you look really cute with them but I mean you always look cute" he said and chuckled a bit at the end. You blushed but smiled very softly "T-Thank you" you said you leaned a little bit to him "But are you sure?" you asked and he nodded "Of course!" he exclaimed and your tears stopped "okay..." you said and he let go of you. You felt a little sad by this so you asked him something that made his soul flutter a bit "Can you sleep with me tonight?" you asked and he smiled "Sure" he said and you both laid down once again onto the bed. You had your head onto his shoulder and your H/C ears touched his face a little bit but it didn't matter. They were really cute. He touched them once again and you buried your face onto his hoodie "Stooooppp itttt" you said and he giggled a little bit "nope" he said and did something that made you blush even more. He kissed it very softly and buried his face onto your hair "so cute..." he murmured and you smiled softly "Good night" you said and felt sleep once again take over your body "Good night to you to, kitty" you blushed even more and ever since that day he called you by your new name




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