Such Horrible Things (US! Yandere? Sans)

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Okay it's soon halloween so why not celebrate it with torture and a little bit of gore? Plus i want to train a bit to write gore. So i really like US! Sans being yandere over Papyrus but not the lovey dovey part (is it still called yandere?). Just Sans being really, like REALLY overprotective over Papyrus. In the sense of "my big brother is mine, no one can steal him away from me" You know how children wants to have their mom to themselves. Yeah but he is like that with Papyrus (And more psychoatic XD). Sorry i just ramble on but i just want you guys to know so you can understand :) Now on with the torture =)

Listened to this song while writing this =)

What a sunny day it is today! He looked through the basement window and waited for his next victim waking up. He perked up when he felt some eyes on him and he looked at her. "oh! Finally you are awake!" he exclamied happily while he stood up and looked at the female with a big smile and his eyes were in a shape of stars. "W-Where am i...?" she asked and looked at Sans with a look filled with fear. "Your in my basement of course!" he said like it was obvious "W-Why am i here?" she asked with a scared voice and he smiled happily "Your here because i feel the need to play today! And espacially what you told my brother yesterday filled me with the urge to play..." He said the last part darkly and almost sadistically. "You wanted him to move out, yes?" Sans asked but he already knew the answer to the question "Y-Yes..." she said nervouly and his smile got big and his vibrant blue eyes were now filled with blood lust. He didn't say a word and rolled out a table that had a black cloth on it. She looked at the table and tried to get away but saw that she was handcuffed to a table. He pulled away the cloth and her eyes went big. Knives, needles and so much more that she couldn't describe. He took the needles and the thread while he looked at her "now i need you not to scream that loudly so... You must have your mouth shut all time... I thought of a solution and this one is perfect~" he had both his legs on each side of her while he sat on her. "If you struggle this is gonna hurt a lot" he said and put the thread in the needle and made a little knot at the end of it so the thread wouldn't go out. He forced her mouth shut by grabing her lips in a tight grip and started to take the needle though the first lip, and he felt some blood fall on his hands. He heard the skin rip slowly and his smile just grew more. After about 15 minuter her mouth was completely shut. The holes where the threads were in the blood ran down on the sides. His hands were very bloody due to her struggling. He looked at her and saw her eyes were filled with tears "Awww~ Don't cry now, it was your fault! I said that it wouldn't hurt as much if your didn't struggle!" he said and he pulled the table closer to him. He now took out a knife and smiled at it. "Now... To the fun part..." he said and pulled up her shirt all the way up. He made a snit on her stomach and then put a shot in her ribs. "This will help you with the pain" he said and started to cut into her stomach slowly and carefully. Then he took a better knife and made the real cut. He felt the knife cut through her skin, then the flesh and then it was fully in. Now her organs were exposed to him and he started to take them out carefully. "This is really intresting..." he mumbled to himself and took out a kidney from her and she felt the pain come back. She cried but it was muffled. But even if it was muffled he could hear what she tried to say "Just kill me?" he asked and she felt more tears spill. He giggled a bit and then started to laugh hysterically. "Your so funny~" he said and then started to take the tip of his knife on her organs than he stabbed her in one of them. He dragged the knife up till her heart then he stabbed it with force. At this point she was already dead. He sighed and he started to clean up his little mess that he did. He carefully cut up the pieces and set them in seperate garbage bags and after that he threw them into the fireplace. He watched the fire burn the victim and he couldn't help to smile. He watched the fire stop and then he walked up to the bathroom where he cleaned his clothes and changed into new ones. He walked to the living room where he saw Papyrus sleep in the sofa. He smiled at him softly and walked up to his room where he fell alseep instantely.

How many people have i killed now?

I am really nervous of posting this actually, don't know what you people are gonna say

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