Papyrus x Ghost! Reader Part 2

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the one who requested part to where: Cloud-Chan

It's been a while now and Papyrus still had a glimmer of hope left that you weren't completely gone. He was so used to have you near him all the time and right now it felt really lonely. Sans had even seen that there was something wrong with his brother so he wanted to talk but Papyrus always said that he was busy or that he had to do something else. Sans now started to believe that Papyrus was avoiding to talk to him so Sans came up with a plan. He wouldn't read to Papyrus when he was going to sleep. Papyrus was in his bed ready to hear it but Sans said something out of the ordinary "So i want to say something first" Papyrus looked up at his brother and Sans looked at him with a little bit of worry "What has been bugging you?" Papyrus froze by the question like he always did and he hid himself a little bit under the blanket. "Nothing..." he mumbled and Sans sighed "You may be great on everything but not on lying Papyrus" Sans said and now it was Papyrus turn to sigh "If you don't tell i won't read your story" Papyrus looked as Sans sadly "B-But" "no buts" Papyrus looked down a little bit and silence filled the room for some minutes till Papyrus sighed once again "You didn't believe me before so why would you believe me now?" Papyrus said sadly and Sans looked at him "What are you talking about?" Sans asked confusingly and Papyrus looked up at his shorter but older brother "promise you will believe me?" Sans nodded "Promise" Papyrus sighed softly and he started to talk "It is about Y/N..." he said and Sans started to go through his memories to figure out who they were. His eyes lighten up a bit when he remembered "the human ghost?" Sans asked and Papyrus nodded "I promise you they were real" he said and Sans felt a little bit of guilt over flow him when he didn't believe his brother about the ghost. "They were one of the first humans to fall down here... they were even here before you and me!" he exclaimed and Sans nodded, giving his brother his full attention "But now they are gone and i don't understand why... they were with me all the time a-and..." Papyrus eyes started to water a bit and he hid himself under the blanket "Pap...?" Sans asked worriedly "I-I just miss t-them so much!" he said and now started to cry even more. Sans pulled down the blanket and started to comfort his crying brother "hey it's okay... they probably knew that you could be alone now... and now they are finally at peace..." he said comfortingly "B-But why d-does it hurt then?!" Papyrus exclaimed and  Sans sighed "it's going to hurt for a while because you miss them but it will go over, i promise" Papyrus nodded and he fell asleep with his brother comforting him. The next day they were of to duty like always, Sans being just a little bit worried about his brother but Papyrus seemed to be better. Papyrus was patrolling like always and saw the ruins open. There was someone familiar there. His eye sockets widen when he recognized the face, their eyes and their clothes. Papyrus walked to him and the girl looked a bit startled by his appearance. "Y-Y/N...?" he asked and the girl looked even more scared "H-How... did you know my name...?" she asked and suddenly felt like she knew him but wasn't sure. "O-Oh, J-Just a guess!" he said but lied. She nodded and he grabbed her by the hand "Come on we'll be best friends i assure you!" he said happily and the girl smiled at him "sure Papyrus"

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