SwapFell Sans x Child! Reader ~Tough Love~

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You were sitting at the kitchen table and thinking about different things. You were living with the skelebros. They kind of scared you at first but became nice afterwards. Well... Sans was still kind of mean to you but not so mean. Papyrus were always nice to you and would let you go out with him when he ran errands but not if they were dangerous of course!. One night though Papyrus were out and you had a nightmare about Sans getting killed actually. It made you very scared because in the end you loved him even if he didn't feel the same way. Papyrus had told you that he did care about you but he just didn't know how to show it. You walked out of your bedroom and hesitantely wkalked to his room. You knocked on his door and you heard a familiar voice say with a hint of annoyance "come in" you opened the door and he looked suprised when he saw you walk in and close the door after you. "What are you doing up this late?" he asked and closed the book he was reading. He looked at you with a iritating look and you looked down sadly "I had a nightmare..." you said quietly and tried not to shed a tear. His look soften when he heard those words escape your mouth. "Is that so? And what do you want?" he asked and let his head rest on his palm. "Can i sleep next to you? Just this once?" you asked and glanced at him. He saw your eyes and he couldn't refuse "Sure, come in" he said and you smiled a little. You walked to his bed and crawled next to him under his blanket. It was suprinsigly warm but you didn't question it. He turned of the lights and now it was completly dark and the only thing you could see was the soft shine of his purple pupils. You closed your eyes and he asked you something out of nowhere. "What kind of nightmare did you have?" you looked at him and he narowed his pupills to meet your E/C ones. "I...I had a nightmare about you getting killed by another human..." he got suprised that you had dreamt about him. He knew he was not really nice to you at all but he wanted you to be strong so no one can step over you. You had even started to talk back to him which he showed that he hated but deep inside him he was really happy that you did it because if you talked back to him, hell you can talk back to anyone. He turned and faced you. "Hey, i'm... not going anywhere... okay?" he said nervously. It was a long time he has tried to comfort someone so he dosen't really know what to say. You felt tears threaten to spill and you started to cry "I-I just love you so much! E-Even if you don't feel the same way! I just want you to be safe and Papyrus" you said and he got even more suprised. You loved him? You wanted him to be safe? He smiled softly at you which was a rarity for him "Hey, what's that supposed to mean huh? Of course i feel the same way" he said softly and you took your hands away from your face. "R-Really?" you asked and he nodded without the smile never leaving his mouth. You smiled and hugged him tightly while you burried your face onto his chest "H-Hey! Just because i say i care about you dosen't mean that you can ju-" "I'm so happy... i thought big brother Sans didn't love me..." he froze up by your words and he hesitantely took a arm around you. He soon relaxed and started to pet your head softly. After a while you fell asleep while he rested his head ontop of yours and peted your head. He sighed softly but had a smile across his mouth. "sleep tight my little warrior..." he said and fell asleep soon after you. Some hours afterwards Papyrus took a look in and saw you both cuddled up against each other which he smiled at "awww, so cute~" he cooed and snapped a picture with his phone. 

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