Underfell Sans x Neko! Reader ~Annoying Love~

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Requested by: mangel173493

Hope you'll like it!

You where half cat and half human that where living in Snowdin. You where living in your own house because you could take care of yourself. Papyrus didn't think you could do it because it was messy in the house a lot so he sometimes yelled at your for it. Maybe it was because you both were childhood friends so he maybe took the roll as the annoying big brother? Who knows. Well you didn't care because you liked it that it was messy. It made you feel like home (Who feels like this to or is it just me??) and you didn't even have people over. Well sometimes Sans would come over but his room where even worse then your house so who cares!? You were childhood friends him being the older one so he kind of were overprotective over you and he got jealous quite easily. If any guy would come up to you he reminded you of a guard dog who barked when someone came to close to their owner. Plus the guys who came up to you where troublemakers and/or players. You didn't care about it anyways. Well that was you. Papyrus said that you reminded about Sans a lot so you had obviously taken up his bad behavior with being lazy. He always said that when he came to your house and when you didn't do your job right. You worked with both of them to catch a human actually, you trained with Papyrus so you were a very good fighter. Well enough with backstory. Right now you were sitting at Sans post waiting for him to come so you could go to your own post which was at a tree. You were half cat so climbing was VERY easy for you. You saw him come to you with a (excuse my language) shit eating grin like he always had when he have done something bad so you rolled your eyes and felt a little bit of excitement when he finally came to you. "So, what did you do this time?" you asked as he sat down at his post. "Just hiding Papyrus battle armor" You giggled softly at what Sans had done. "Oh my god, You'll be in a lot of trouble when he find out" you said and tried to hold in your laughter. He shrugged his shoulders and leaned back on his chair (Imagine that there is a chair) "eh, I'm always in trouble regarding him" You nodded and stood up "Well i have to get going" you said and were about to walk away until you felt something tug at your tail. Your ears perked up and you looked at Sans who pulled your tail and had his shit eating grin placed on his face. "Sans..." you said darkly and he looked at you "Yes~?" he cooed and you sighed deeply "If you don't let go of my tail they will NEVER find your body" you hissed and he hummed a bit "oh come on~ What's so wrong with pulling your tail?" he asked teasingly and you felt irritation take over your body. "If you pull at it again you will regret it" you said avoiding his question. After some seconds of silence he did the unthinkable. He pulled it again. With a fast movement you jumped onto him but he was faster and stopped you by hugging you in  a bear hug. "S-Sans! I swear to our king i will murder you!" You said and tried to hide your embarrassment. "Don't care" he said and made you sit on his lap comfortably. Hes acting really strange today but you shrugged it of. It felt nice having someone close to you like this. You felt your body grow tired and you accidentally fell asleep in his arms. He looked down at you and smiled softly "So cute..." he mumbled and put his head on top of yours. "You do realize that i'll do anything to spend time with you? Even risking Papyrus to kill me for hiding his armor..."

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