HorrorTale Sans x Murder! Reader part 2

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Requested by: AngelsbaneDemonsgodand JAZgirlgamerMC 

Hope you'll enjoy!

With knife in hand you skipped around SnowDin happily, greeting people on the way while doing so. You felt some eyes on you but you didn't mind. You knew who it was so you didn't mind him looking. He was quite drawn to you, he have never meet a human like you and let's just say he have at least meet 8 of them. You were evil, pure evil but then again who wasn't evil in this place? That is just how this place worked and he guessed that the surface kind of worked like that to. You were playing with your knife a bit, accidently cutting your finger and you stared at the blood which trailed down on your finger and then on your hand, dripping softly on the ground later making you smile manically for some strange reason. Suddenly you heard someone come behind you and there were no other person than him. Sans was looking at you with a big smile like he always did "So, you played carelessly, eh?" he asked and looked at your finger and his smile only grew more. You nodded softly. He approached you and grabbed your hand roughly which you didn't even flinch at, you only looked at him and you were awaiting his next move. He was only looking at your hand which was now covered in blood but not like it usually was. He suddenly trailed his finger onto your wound making you flinch just a little bit by the pain but you didn't pull away and suddenly he squeezed it softly making some blood squirt out. "Hmm... shouldn't you patch it up?" he asked and you shrugged your shoulders "It's just a little wound..." you said and smiled at him "I have had MUCH worse" you said and you heard him chuckle darkly "I can imagine" he said and let go of your hand. "So, what are you going to do?" he asked and you shrugged your shoulders "Dunno, probably going back to the surface" you said and he nodded, placing his hands in his hoodie pocket "Well, I guess you'll survive down here so you'll probably going to success" he said and you nodded "Thank you for believing in me" you said and he only laughed "You know, kiddo, you have some potential.... But I don't know if it's good or bad but I'll probably guess it's bad" he said and you shrugged your shoulders "I have heard that quite a lot" you said and more blood fell down. You looked at your hand and saw the wound was leaking more. Guess when Sans squeezed it he pushed out more blood. "heh, come on kiddo, let me patch you up" he said and took your arm, leading you both to his house. He lead you to the bathroom and you sat down while he was looking through the cabinet for some cleaning water (?????) and a band aid. He took your wrist and now your hand was filled with your own blood and he only looked at your hand, feeling himself get hypnotized a bit. Seems like he really loves blood, huh? He suddenly started to clean you hand then your wound which you yelped at a bit because it hurt. He laughed at your reactions while he continued, ignoring your yelps. After a while he finally put the band aid on and you smiled by its bright purple color. "ya know, you are really a weird kid" he said and you looked at your hand. "many people say that" you said and stood up "And everyone was right" you said and stepped out from the bathroom "By the way, thank you" you said and walked out and heard Sans say loudly

"Don't make the wound bleed again"

You smiled when he said it

Like he controlled you.

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