Underswap Surface! Papyrus x Genocide! Reader ~Regained Trust~

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Finally everyone was on the surface and most of them were happy. Papyrus though didn't like you one bit and he had a reason to. You in his eyes were a empty and hateful creature who in reality didn't care about anyone. You had killed them a couple of times and you finally had let them out from the hell they called home but then again when will you reset and kill again? You had been invited by Asgore to their home and he talked to Papyrus that he at least should try and get along with you. Finally Papyrus said yes but wouldn't try either way, if only Asgore knew what you had done. Then NOBODY would like you. Finally you knocked on the door and Asgore happily opened it for you. You smiled at him and said you greetings to him, he saw that you were a bit nervous but he didn't question it. He knew you were nervous because Papyrus was here. Finally you all sat down onto the table expect for Papyrus. He was in the living room and was flickering through the millions of channels until he decided he had enough. He stood up and walked into the kitchen "hey Y/N can we take a walk?" he asked and you looked at him with a nervous look but nodded anyways. You stood up and you both headed to the door. You put on a coat because it was a little chilly and you headed out. When you had walked for a little while he started to talk "Now I want you to tell me why you killed so much" he said and you looked away a little bit feeling shame go through your body. "I don't have all day" he hissed at you and you cringed a little bit. "I... I just... I-" "Speak. Up" he spat out darkly and you took a deep, nervous breath. "I just needed to know about all the different routes" you said and he felt irritation go through him "And what the hell is that supposed to mean?" he asked and you stopped which he did to. "I just wanted answers! Okay? I wanted answers about everyone! What happened to Dr. Gaster, why you were on my side even though I literally killed everyone! I JUST NEEDED ANSWERS ABOUT YOU!" you snapped at him and his eyes widen a little bit but then changed into anger "So you had to kill everyone to find out, you couldn't just ASK?" he said back "Like you guys would say ANYTHING to me about it! I know it is none of my business BUT if I knew about those things I could try to fix them" you said and his fists curled up "Why do you WANT to try to fix them!?" he screamed back and you felt tears roll down your cheeks "BECAUSE I CARE ABOUT ALL OF YOU!" you screamed at him louder and his body became stiff "I did it because I care about YOU!" you said and pointed at him. After that you collapsed onto the ground while you had your hands onto your face. "I... I just love all of you so much... I love you..." you mumbled and continued to cry. He looked down at you while you cried softly on the ground. He sat onto his knees and heard you cry even more. You thought that he would hit you but it was the complete opposite of that. He hugged you softly. "It's... It's okay... Or it isn't okay but... everyone is safe and I have even seen you destroy the reset button... So I guess it's fine..." he said and you took your arms around him which he stiffened a bit at your action but after a while he hugged you tightly "I forgive you..." he mumbled and heard you cry even more when those words left his mouth. "shhhh... just calm down" he mumbled and started to wag you back and forth. "Now... you need to fix yourself, okay?" he said and stopped to hug you but still had his arms around you. You looked at him and nodded. He wiped away a tear that managed to escape from your eye and placed his hand on your cheek. He looked into your eyes and saw something he thought he would never see in your eyes. Love. Not L.O.V.E just a deep and soft love. "I... I maybe was wrong about you..." he mumbled and you looked down a bit. He sighed a bit but saw his chance and kissed your head softly. "Come on now... let's get back to the others or else they will think that I have killed you or something..." he said and you nodded. You both stood up and started to walk away. "but, this doesn't mean that we are friends, you have to earn your trust" he said and you smiled brightly "O-Of course!" you exclaimed and hugged him quickly. He couldn't help to smile a bit when you did it.

Maybe, Just maybe this will end up good.


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