OuterTale Sans x Space Lover! Reader ~Lovely Space~

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This. Was. AMAZING! You were literately in space! How could it get better than this?! This was like a dream come true. You walked through the snowy trees and you looked around, amazed by all the different colors and shapes. You spun around and didn't see that you accidentally bumped into someone. You looked up and saw a... skeleton? You rubbed your head a little bit and he looked down at you. "huh? Your a human?" he asked and you nodded, not knowing if you would have answered that. He shrugged his shoulders "Well... I don't really care about humans all that much but my brother is kind of a human hunting fanatic" you felt a bit of fear rise within you but the skeleton smiled softly at you "But don't worry, even if he tries to he is not dangerous so don't worry about that" he said and he put his hands in his pockets "Oh and what's your name?" he asked and you smiled at him "Y/N" you said while you stood up and he grinned playfully "That's a nice name, name's Sans, nice to meet you" he said lazily but with care "Nice to meet you to" you said and he sighed softly "Do you like space?" he asked and your eyes brighten up "Of course! It's really pretty and just look at the sky here! It has nebula's and stars all over it! Like it's awesome and amazing and just beautiful!" you exclaimed  happily and he snickered softly "Hey i know a place were you can see it better" he said and you nodded but stopped yourself. He looked back at you and smiled "come on, nothing is gonna hurt you here" he said and you nodded once again while you followed him. You both walked and started a little small talk with each other. When you both were finally at the place he took you which was a big cliff with a beautiful sight of stars and another galaxy at the other side. Your eyes widen at the sight and it felt like you would explode out of excitement. In your home you could rarely see the sky because it was always light around you. Street lights, house lights you named it. Out of excitement you felt something wet run down you cheek. Sans eyes widen a bit "are... are you crying?" (have you ever been so excited that you started to cry, heard about it) he asked and you took your hand on your cheek. And yes indeed you were crying. Some tears fell down softly onto the ground "Y-Yeah it's just... I-It's so pretty and i love it so much..." you said and wiped the tears that remained. He smiled at you softly "Isn't it like this on earth?" he asked and you shook your head "No, absolutely no" you said and sighed softly "You can't even see nebula's on earth" you said and now Sans eyes widen. "really?" he asked and you nodded. "Yeah, that's why in my eyes this is really impressive and it isn't like i have imagined... I have only seen this things in books and on the internet... This was far away from what i imagined... it's so beautiful" you said and he smiled at you "I guess... i think it's really pretty to" he said and you sat down onto the ground while he followed your lead. "wait so if you are from earth I guess you are OUT OF THIS WORLD THEN" he said and you snickered softly "Oh my god" you mumbled and he looked out once again "I have actually never  seen someone so excited to see the sky here... It's really cute actually" he said and you blushed softly "Wow, i haven't even asked you your favorite color and you are already blushing, that's even more cute" He said and you felt your cheeks become warmer "shut up!" you said and nudged his shoulder

He could star at you all night

Hope this was good 'w'

(probably gonna edit this later)

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