Underswap Overprotective! Papyrus x Reader ~Caring~

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Requested by: JackeyInTheBox 

don't know if it what you where looking for but when i thought about overprotective Papyrus i thought about this so i hope you enjoy! :D

You have lived with the skelebros all your life. You fell down when you were little and ever since then they have taken care of you. Due to this Papyrus became very overprotective over you like he was with Sans. And if someone would look at you he would shoot death glares at them. That's why you never had any guy friends or boyfriends. He didn't like them. He always said that he couldn't trust them so he would scare them away. He had even threatened some of them. (Yandere warning) You knew he did it for a good purpose but sometimes it would get annoying. Welp, that was your life. Right now you were walking in the dark night because you had to catch up to some of your classes so you had to stay a bit longer than usual. Of course you had already told Papyrus about it. He insisted to meet you up but you told him that it was okay. After some minutes of small arguing he let you do it. You where in your own thoughts until you heard footsteps behind you grow closer. You didn't look back because that would trigger the person to catch you so you just quicken your pace to see if he really did follow you. He quickened his pace to. Now you started to get worried and you felt a hand on your shoulder. "Hello little clover~" the male voice said with a husky voice and you froze in place by fear "Now if you don't struggle this will go just fine" he said and grabbed your arm roughly. He pulled you into a dark alleyway and threw you on the ground. You pulled up your phone and pressed on Papyrus number fast and then you felt a heavy weight on your body. He sat on you and threw the phone away not noticing that you had called somebody. Meanwhile Papyrus were sitting in the sofa watching NTT talk shows being worried because it had grown late. Then he heard his phone call and he pulled it up fast and saw that you were the one calling. His worry disapeard and he answered it "hell-" AHHHHHH!!!" His eyes widen when he heard you voice scream in pain and agony. He dropped the phone and ran out of the house muttering 'i knew it' and 'why didn't you listen?' he ran to the path where you usually walked home on. He ran until he saw some figures in one of the alleys. He walked into it and saw that someone was sitting on you. He walked fast up to you and grabbed the guy's hood with one hand and thew him onto the brick wall. He saw that you where beaten up and that some of your clothes were torn. When he realized what this sick pervert where about to do he walked up to him and started to beat him up brutally. After a while Papyrus looked at you and saw that you were still conscious so he walked to you and carried you bridal style. "What did i tell you Y/N? Let me ALWAYS meet you up when it's dark. Why is it always that when you have to learn something you have to experience a terrible situation?" he said with a hint of anger in his voice but mostly worry. You looked up to him "Sorry Papy" you said  and he sighed "So, What have we learned?" he asked and looked down at your beaten figure "To let Papyrus do what he wants? Even though it's small stuff like walking to the mall" How could you still deny that you need protection at all times when you were in a situation that could end up HORRIBLY wrong. He sighed a bit more and sat down on a bench. You got surprised by this and he hugged you closely. "i was really worried about you..." he mumbled and let his forehead touch yours. You softly smiled at him and you took your arms around him "I know, your always worried about me" You mumbled and got surprised when you saw something that you thought you would never see. Papyrus eyes were leaking an orange liquid that fell on you face. Papyrus where crying. "H-Hey, Papyrus i'm fine" you said and hugged him closer to you "I-I'm alright!" you said a bit loud but hissed when you felt your rib cage tense up a bit. "What if something bad had happened? You could have been killed or..." he trailed of a bit and started to cry more. "I want you to be safe, i don't want anyone to hurt you physically or pshychologacly...." You looked down a bit sad but sighed "i'm sorry Papyrus..." he sighed and wiped away his tears. He carried you once again and he walked away with you 

"So no school for a week"


"I'm gonna take care of you

"But your jo-

"Don't care"



"Thank you"

"Your welcome, sweetie"

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