Ink Sans X Reader ~Creative Love~

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You had woken up somewhere but you didn't know where. You were scared, alone but most of all you were freezing really bad. How could a place feel this cold?! You had questioned yourself this many times and now it started to make you mad. But after some time you just rolled with it. You felt yourself become numb slowly and just as you thought that this was it for you, you heard something from the distant. It starteled you and you actually heard footsteps. "Hello?" you heard it call out. It was a voice?! A soft voice. It sounded like it belonged to a male. You tried to speak but it every time you tried it made your throat burn. So you stood up and walked to the voice, Or you tried atleast. You had forgot how long you had actually walked. Your legs gave up on you and you fell on your knees. The male heard the fall and started to head your way. When he came to view you saw that he was a short skeleton with a long brown scarf and he had matching clothes with it. He had black paint on his right cheek and his pupils would change color AND shape when he blinked. He looked at you with a puzzled look "Your a... human?" he asked and you nodded not knowing what to do. He sat down infront of you and looked at you with a worried look "what's your name?" he asked with a gentle smile on his lips. You attempted to speak once again but nothing came out, you looked down sadly. He saw this and got worried and sad "I got an idea!" he blurted out and you looked at him. He gave you a cute look while he handed you a notepad and a pen. "You can write what you want to say!" he said with a smile across his mouth. You nodded and wrote "Y/N" he blinked a couple of times and than looked at you once more "Y/N?" he asked and you nodded "that's a pretty name" he said and you smiled. "So what happened to your voice?" he asked "I haven't really talked for a while so i think my voice is kind of gone... I dunno... But what's your name?" he leaned backwards a bit "That's not to good..." he mumbled but he smiled "oh and my name is Ink" he said and you smiled "that's a cool name" you wrote and you could see a bit of rainbow color on his cheekbondes. 'Is his blush a rainbow color? That's so cuuuttteee~' you thought "T-Thanks" he said shyly and the blush dissapeard. "hey... it seems a bit lonely here... Do you maybe want me to come here sometimes...?" he asked and you nodded with a smile. After a while you started to get your voice back and you could actually walk again to. It felt amazing! Ink learned you about "alternative universes" or how he calls them AU'S. He even showed you some and it was awesome to visit everyone! You both were now in OuterTale and stargazed. "Hey is you voice okay now?" he asked and you nodded "Can i hear it?" he asked and you felt a bit nervous. It was a long time you had talked so it felt really hard in some way but you nodded anyways. You took a deep breath and said quietly "H-Hi Ink" he was stunned for a while and he gave you a big hug "Oh my god! You sound so cute~" he cooed and you froze up at first but relaxed after a while. He rubbed his cheek against yours and you started to blush a bit. He stopped after a while and smiled a satifying smile "Finally i got to hear your voice!" he said and you smiled at him. He sure was something. He took his arm around you shoulder and made you lean your head on his shoulder ".....Your really preacious to me, you know that right?" he said and you nodded "Y-You are to me too...." you said and he smiled "Thanks..." he said and you both looked up at the stars just enjoying ecach others company.

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